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 1/28/04 was updated today with the folowing news...
ABK in the Lotus Pod
January 28, 2004

So I finally managed to track down ABK... The word is that he's been locked in the Lotus Pod, getting his brain picked apart for flavor as he contributes to the new Dark Lotus album. In the couple of minutes I got to chat with him, though, he's been filling me in on the flavor that's gonna be coming up on the site. ABK's got his thoughts on music, media, just shit in general that he's been collecting to push your wig back. There's also some video flavor that he's sending my way to drop on ya. Then he started to mention some shit about his next solo album, but before I could ask him any more about it or get any fresh details, his ass got dragged back into the Lotus Pod. I'm guessing he's gonna have something to say, though, once Black Rain is done, so I'll keep ya informed with what's going down.

This kind of ties in with what violent J was saying in the last weekly freakly. He mentioned that ABK had already been in the studio, and that his next solo [roject was already 14 tracks deep.


Zug News: In the recent Syn interview conducted by it was reavealed that the Next zug album would be called 3:33. It will feature 6 tracks each 3mins and 30secs long, and two of those tracks were "Y", and "We Live" from  P.F.O.S. 2.

Peace MCL




Happy New Year to all of you Juggalos and Juggalettes out there! It's the start of a brand new year and we're back in full effect! And what a new year it's going to be; full of flavor and excitement and, most importantly... The Wraith: Hell's Pit! Over the break, there's been all kinds of rumors and speculations that've been floating around the lovely world of cyberspace. Well, give us a moment to turn the heat back on in the building and slap our floppy boot discs back into our powering Commodore 64's and we'll be addressing everything, and I mean absolutely everything, in the next couple days. Till then, sit back and chill and prepare yourself for what awaits you in 2004!



pulled from faygo lovers



Chat Room : thin ice from MAD UPS TO DaKilla From

Nobody Fresh: fear not, J can do his thing un
Nobody Fresh: J can build a card house during an earth quakeder any circumstances
Nobody Fresh: MJ fuckin did it
Nobody Fresh: Gross bull shit
NObody Fresh: he foldeled that kids penis hole
Nobody Fresh: To Mikael, there hottie bitches
Nobody Fresh: CKY, id like to tour with them
Nobody Fresh: unless there like fully gay or something
Nobody Fresh: Like we've ever been discovered or something
Nobody Fresh: what was I talking about
Nobody Fresh: Planned Panic or Soope Villians. TThis is the deal, Tech wants to call it Planned Panic,
but me Joey and Esham, and Lazie Bone wanna and have to call it Soopa Villians.
So its up to yall to send him Tech emals tellin him come on!
Nobody Fresh: This Hells Pit record is detroying me
Nobody Fresh: Its detroying my Karmah
Nobody Fresh: Song after song about Blood, guts, revenge and evil, and mostlu people in hell
Nobody Fresh: Im already 80% detroid
Nobody Fresh: thats why were bringing you it
Nobody Fresh: Listen
Nobody Fresh: LISTEN
Nobody Fresh: 2003.....
Nobody Fresh: Diamond Rain Tour, Shangra La Tour, Autrailla Tour, Wicked Wonka Tour,
Europe Tour, Psychopathics From Outer Space, JCW 3, Gathering, The Book, Wizard Of The Hood,
it was Craaaaaazy when you look at it all
Nobody Fresh: My and my best friend
Nobody Fresh: Joey
Nobody Fresh: we got a plan
Nobody Fresh: This Hells Pit
Nobody Fresh: This Hells pit Tour
Nobody Fresh: This one will be out last album
Nobody Fresh: this one will be our last
Nobody Fresh: whats after that is solo records from both of us
Nobody Fresh: all over eachother shit
Nobody Fresh: 5 years lator
Nobody Fresh: THE REUNION
Nobody Fresh: We tour once
Nobody Fresh: From Gathering up until Halklowicked
Nobody Fresh: then back to solo shit
Nobody Fresh: until the 4 or 5 years is up
Nobody Fresh: Thats been our plan for years
Nobody Fresh: Ill hang up the mic only when I think I'm starting to suck
Nobody Fresh: Talk to one ninja
Nobody Fresh: who put a stop to the whole entire Dark Lotus project that was supposed to start January 3rd
Nobody Fresh: was like maybe in 6 more months or something
Nobody Fresh: let me ask you all a question
Nobody Fresh: who wasent at the xmas party
Nobody Fresh: who preaches this.... it aint about Juggalo, its about family
Nobody Fresh: i dont care anymore
Nobody Fresh: he's his own ninja
Nobody Fresh: He said, he aint feeling Lotus right now, maybe in 6 months maybe in a year
Nobody Fresh: manNobody Fresh: fuck it and fuck it all
Nobody Fresh: just know this
Nobody Fresh: one day real soon
Nobody Fresh: Let me ask yall one more thing
Nobody Fresh: who do you all think Twiztid's song Frankenstine is about?
Nobody Fresh: OK, a diss on me put out on my own lable
Nobody Fresh: so this is the bottem line
Nobody Fresh: Folloe me for the bottem line

Josh76023 and he said just give shout outs to the band downfall from Charles Town, West Virginia. and say soemthing like if your in the area try to hit up one of their shows
CHAT ROOM : stailness
Nobody Fresh: He said, he aint feeling Lotus right now, maybe in 6 months maybe in a year
Nobody Fresh: fuck it and fuck it all
Nobody Fresh: just know this
Nobody Fresh: one day real soon
Nobody Fresh: Let me ask yall one more thing
Nobody Fresh: who do you all think Twiztid's song Frankenstine is about?
Nobody Fresh: OK, a diss on me put out on my own lable
Nobody Fresh: so this is the bottem line
Nobody Fresh: Everybody please do me a big favor
Nobody Fresh: Let me be the only ninja with this typeset color
Nobody Fresh: listen
Nobody Fresh: im drunk
Nobody Fresh: thats why im spilling my guts
Nobody Fresh: I feel like
Nobody Fresh: I owe ninjas and Juggalos much more than I give
Nobody Fresh: about the truth and myself
Nobody Fresh: if we start holding back the truths
Nobody Fresh: its like were controlling something
Nobody Fresh: and this juggalo nation aint suppoised to be controlled
Nobody Fresh: if it goes away than it just does
Nobody Fresh: Hold up one sec
Nobody Fresh: for all yall to print and share with the world I aint stupid
Nobody Fresh: come newyears
Nobody Fresh: things are gonna be stale at first
Nobody Fresh: really stale
Nobody Fresh: alot of stale news
Nobody Fresh: alot of broken hearts'
Nobody Fresh: alot of un fuckin nessisary bullshit
Nobody Fresh: but its just the was life is I guess, even for a juggalo
Nobody Fresh: But some peeps are leaving the family
Nobody Fresh: nothing can be done
Nobody Fresh: ninjas are growing and going
Nobody Fresh: there own way
Nobody Fresh: Zug Island might be gone, Twiztid Might be gone, Blaze is gone but I guess Colton Gundy is alive and rappin someplace else, He told ME he was out, so whatever
Nobody Fresh: Mike P thinks he's Prince thats why
Nobody Fresh: Mike P thinks he's Prince thats why
Nobody Fresh: and after he did the 6th he just now thinks he's Quincy Jones
Nobody Fresh: We went to mike E
Nobody Fresh: Mike told us, he's gonna do the whole record or none of it
Nobody Fresh: and we already got 14 done
Nobody Fresh: sp fuck Mike E
Nobody Fresh: Besides he sold the "wall" on E Bay
Nobody Fresh: you know what the wall is?
Nobody Fresh: The wall was a wall we drew on in Mike Clarks Fun House Studio and Joey drew on it session after session for 3 or 4 years. And mike cut the wall out and Sold it on E Bay
Nobody Fresh: LOOK YALL
Nobody Fresh: name em
Nobody Fresh: what, when who and how
Nobody Fresh: Esham and Eminem hate eachother
Nobody Fresh: Thug Pit
Nobody Fresh: thats his problem
Nobody Fresh: ask him
Nobody Fresh: I dont fuckin sencor our artist
Nobody Fresh: Esham and ABK just did a song with me today
Nobody Fresh: BEEF
Nobody Fresh: Beef means fighting
Nobody Fresh: Aint no Beef at Psychopathic
Nobody Fresh: whats he say
Nobody Fresh: Well he must not be talkin about us, 2 resons, we aint fags, and number 2 he aint never shot at us with no paint balls
Nobody Fresh: Look
Nobody Fresh: was anybody in this room a crip or a blood growing up?
Nobody Fresh: NO!
Nobody Fresh: Me niether
Nobody Fresh: A Aint really drunk
Nobody Fresh: I kind of lied about the drunk part
Nobody Fresh: because I wish I was
Nobody Fresh: yes its a code
Nobody Fresh: its funner to get it on your onw
Nobody Fresh: Hells Pit>
Nobody Fresh: You wanna know about the PIT?
Nobody Fresh: Who anybody
Nobody Fresh: ???
Nobody Fresh: Man I an 2 things 1. Im flattered that yall actually carea about our new shit like that, and nu,mber 2
Nobody Fresh: Imma tell ya
Nobody Fresh: hope it dont let yall down
Nobody Fresh: the first song on The Wraith Shangra La was called "Walk into the Light" and on Hell's Pit the first song is called, Walk into the Darkness
Nobody Fresh: This one will touch you in a bad way. your best to just not get it
Nobody Fresh: Yeah
Nobody Fresh: Evil shit is always fresh LISTEN YOU FUCKS
Nobody Fresh: Evil shit is fresh when its mixxed in ith several other karmas and flavors
Nobody Fresh: but one record, straight eveil
Nobody Fresh: is something else
Nobody Fresh: Hells Pit is straight eveil
Nobody Fresh: Death, bloody blood, chop, necks, bloody faces, stab stab, wind pipes I grab, and nab, bolldy bloody
Nobody Fresh: Look yall
Nobody Fresh: I couldnt have explained it in the seminar any better
Nobody Fresh: Shangra La was for yall
Nobody Fresh: That wasent that eveil because on that record we were celibrating and parting and lovin it up in heavon with YOU
Nobody Fresh: Butr Hells Pit
Nobody Fresh: Its for the evil lost ones
Nobody Fresh: its for some of you
Nobody Fresh: but not those that really see what were trying to say
Nobody Fresh: Hat chet
Nobody Fresh: yes
Nobody Fresh: There will be one song
Nobody Fresh: Called
Nobody Fresh: Heavons Forcast
Nobody Fresh: It rained bodys in Hells forcast
Nobody Fresh: in Heavons forcast
Nobody Fresh: It rains diamonds again
Nobody Fresh: The last track will be nothing said special
Nobody Fresh: we look at it like thius
Nobody Fresh: On the Shangrala record, that was technically the 6th jokers card, so we basically said it all on that
Nobody Fresh: Hells Pit, is for them
Nobody Fresh: we have nothing to say to them
Nobody Fresh: we tried to get there attention for 12 years already
Nobody Fresh: were done waviing to them
Nobody Fresh: its appearant that they hate us
Nobody Fresh: good idea
Nobody Fresh: but no we canr
Nobody Fresh: cant
Nobody Fresh: because...
Nobody Fresh: ICP is ICP
Nobody Fresh: Nobody else is ever gonna catch on to us
Nobody Fresh: that was it
Nobody Fresh: we struggles and tried for all them years
Nobody Fresh: this last record'
Nobody Fresh: is just for who ever picks it up
Nobody Fresh: because
Nobody Fresh: who ever does
Nobody Fresh: will be so appauled
Nobody Fresh: they wont know what the fuck were talking about anyway
Nobody Fresh: Look
Nobody Fresh: not fuck them
Nobody Fresh: who knows
Nobody Fresh: maybe they'll find the light in some other way
Nobody Fresh: but who cares if the dont
Nobody Fresh: For Hells Pit
Nobody Fresh: There will be
Nobody Fresh: 3 low budget horror, grewsome, bloody radio no radio explicit videos
Nobody Fresh: All sond on a DVD called ICP the FULL story, documentary on our who countdown and what it ment to juggalos
Nobody Fresh: Then there will be a Hells Pit tour, smaller clubs, flollowed by a big tour for September and October and then thats it
Nobody Fresh: Solo Time
Nobody Fresh: Smaller venues but 1000's of them
Nobody Fresh: Man, on the final tours were hittin up everywhereNobody Fresh: BUT YALL DONT HEAR ME THOUGH
Nobody Fresh: ONE THINGNobody Fresh: LISTEN
Nobody Fresh: RIGHT
Nobody Fresh: NOW
Nobody Fresh: RIGHT
Nobody Fresh: NOW
Nobody Fresh: ok just let me say one thing
Nobody Fresh: OK
Nobody Fresh: ALL I WANNA SAY IS
Nobody Fresh: as for the future
Nobody Fresh: 3 things are for cirtian
Nobody Fresh: 3 THINGS
Nobody Fresh: LISTEN
Nobody Fresh: 1. Me and my mother fuckin brothers from day one, and until its all over and were dead, Me Alex And my dog Joey.. we will never stop making music, togeather. Weather its solo, togeather or whatever
Nobody Fresh: Number 2. Twiztid id Twiztid, there gonna do what they do, thats strictly on Twiztid and the deistions they make as a band, and if that means ni more Lotus, or Psychopathic, than please address questions to them.
Nobody Fresh: And Number 3...
Nobody Fresh: With Twiztid, millions of ninjas will leave... if Zug Leaves, with them houndreds of ninjas, will leave, but the bottem line is, ICP, mother fuckin Insane Clown Posse, aint never leavin. We'll always be down, and always rep Juggalo
Nobody Fresh: and the hatchet
Nobody Fresh: for ever
Nobody Fresh: thats the only ONLY THING I can promis you all in 2004
Nobody Fresh: Im
Nobody Fresh: Im out this piece
Nobody Fresh: I love yall
Nobody Fresh: Much love you you and your holiday familys
Nobody Fresh: Peace and much clown love


pulled from insane clown posse .com

Well, the day is here and the Christmas bag is filled with two devastating gifts for all of you Juggalos and Juggalettes out there that have been down, making this a truely awesome year indeed! Everyone here wants to thank every single one of you and present these two special holiday gifts for you to enjoy all during the season, the new Christmas song by ICP and ABK entitled I Hate Santa Claws and the truely wig-flipping Thy Unveiling video! Yeah, 2003 is almost out of the way now, calling an end to a truely fresh year, but you can expect 2004 to have a ton more flavor headed your way, including the long awaited, second and final half of the Wraith: Hell's Pit! Everyone here at Psychopathic Records wishes all of you and yours Happy and Safe Holidays!


pulled from insane clown posse .com

I bet you all thought we forgot about it! Well, we wouldn't leave you hanging for nothing and trust me... this is truely something! I'm talking about Violent J's holiday edition of the Weekly Freekly! Better adjust your eyeballs cuz this one is six pages long and guarenteed to filp your wig. Get the Violent J perspective on all that when down during the Billboard Music Awards! Plus, some crazy treal life experience that will total flip your nugget clean off your shoulders. Violent J lays it out straight that... well, why don't you find it out for yourself. But, better get your crash helmet strapped securly to your brain case cuz your grey matter is likely to explode when you read this! Why are you still listening to my useless ass? Get on over to the holiday Weekly Freekly and be ultimately schooled!



pulled from insane clown posse .com

Christmas is fast approaching Juggalos and Juggalettes, and a lot of you have heard about some special gifts that are coming straight to you for the holidays. Well, I have a little clarification for all of you out there but don't worry, nobody's getting a lump of coal. Tuesday the 23rd, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope wish to show all of you Juggalos and Juggalettes out there their appreciation on what a wonderful year that this has been... and to give a little love back to everyone in two ways.

First, a brand new Christmas song, originally slated for Friday the 19th, has now been rescheduled for the 23rd to coincide with the second gift of a special video. This video of Thy Unveiling and was shot live during the Wicked Wonka Tour and contains footage from the Shangri-La Tour and Hallowicked!

Those that may have missed the earlier news update need to know that the christmas song and the video are a 2-in-1 holiday present, totally free for download here at, from Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope to all of you out there. But ICP can't take all the credit... the Hatchet Warrior himself, ABK, has also contributed to the christmas song; giving back to all the Juggalos and Juggalettes and sharing in the holiday cheer! So, from J, Shaggy, ABK, and from everyone else here at Psychopathic Records, make sure to stop by the site on the 23rd for your free Christmas gifts. Christmas is coming early and what better way to celebrate than with a new Christmas song to bump and a fresh video to download and watch during the holiday seasons.


pulled from insane clown posse .com

We've been getting a lot of emails from Juggalos and Juggalettes in regards to this year's Big Baller Christmas Party; a lot of questions about how things are going down at the hottest holiday party in the western hemisphere! Well, we picked the top four of your questions and I'm coming at you with the answers... so here it goes:

Question 1: How soon can we arrive for the Big Baller?
Doors for the event will open promptly at 9 pm. Please, do not arrive any earlier than 8:30 pm. Don't worry, everyone will be brought inside with the quickness and no one will miss out on all the fresh flavor.

Question 2: How do I get my free Christmas gift?
Hang onto your ticket stub once you've made it inside. You're going to be taking your ticket all the way to the back area, where you will see Santa Claus with a bunch of his goodies. Give Santa your ticket stub and you'll receive a special random gift.

Question 3: Will there be any merch at the Big Baller (something I can get as a holiday purchase)?
Yes, although there will not be as much as you'd find at a concert. But rest assured, we've put together the top 20 best selling items from and these 20 items will be available to purchase for yourself or as a holiday gift for your homies.

Question 4: Will there be any way to get any more tickets for the Big Baller?
Not to be overly blunt but no. There are no more tickets available. None will be sold at the doors. None are available online. Please don't come down without a ticket and expect to be able to purchase one or get into the party somehow... because you won't.

Well, that's the top questions for the event. Make sure that you don't forget your tickets when you come up to the Big Baller! And also, for you out-of-town Juggalos, Detroit can get pretty crazy this time of year. Be on the look out so you don't get jacked by a drunken Santa Claus!



pulled from insane clown posse .com

Blasting out of hyperspace at the speed of light, the Psychopathics from Outer Space have entered Earth's atmosphere with the quickness. With deathrays fully charged, they begin Part 2 of their outer-worldly plans! The battle plans are laid out with primary targets being stores near you! From there, the invasion will spread to homes around the world resulting in complete devastation and dominion! Get to your local stores before you're vaporized where you stand! Make first contact with the Psychopathics from Outer Space: Part 2 and get your copy today! The dawn of a new age has begun... make sure you're a part of it!

This is the ultimate Juggalo album, containing tracks from the Entire Hatchet Family as well as a few guest appearances. Just in case you missed the tracklist (over 20 songs at nearly 80 minutes of music) then here it is for your viewing pleasure.

1. Intro
2. Conquer - Violent J, Esham, & ABK
3. Hollywood, I'm Coming - Twiztid
4. Oldie But Goodie - Esham
5. Warrior - ABK
6. 10 Bodies - Blaze
7. Out There - Insane Clown Posse w/Bushwick Bill
8. Y - Zug Izland
9. Demon Face - Insane Clown Posse, Twiztid, ABK, & Esham
10. True Stories - Jumpsteady
11. Some Fuckin' How - Violent J
12. 24s on a '84 - Esham & Shaggy 2 Dope w/TNT
13. Mr. Sesame Seed - Violent J & ABK
14. Do It - Shaggy 2 Dope
15. Yuwannahoe - Twiztid
16. Wicked Wild - Insane Clown Posse & Esham w/Fresh Kid Ice and Fish & Grits
17. We Live - Zug Izland
18. Bitch Shut Up - Blaze & Esham
19. Under the Big Top - Insane Clown Posse
20. Stayin' Alive - ABK
21. Killin' Spree - Esham
22. Graverobbers - Dark Lotus
23. Free Studio - The ENTIRE Hatchet Family

With Christmas coming up with the quickness, this is the ultimate gift for yourself or a Juggalo or Juggalette you've been itching to get a fresh present for! Make sure to get your copy today or place your order in at


pulled from insane clown posse .com

Attention all Juggalos and Juggaletes: If you're thinking about ordering yourself or a fellow Juggalo some fresh merch from as a sweet christmas gift then listen up! If you want to get your order for Christmas then we have some information that you should look over carefully. To save on shipping by ordering Ground, check out this map and find where you live on it. Your location color determines roughly how long Ground shipping will take in business days. Do a little math and you'll be able to determine the approximate cut-off date for Ground shipment orders in your area. Now, if you're running low on time and need your order shipped with the quickness then here is a list of the type of shipping you'll need and what the cut-off date is for orders received at HatchetGear.

Orange: 3 Day shipping - Friday 19th at noon
Blue: 2 Day Shipping - Monday 22nd at noon
Red: Overnight Shipping - Tuesday 23rd at 3:30 pm

Orders that are Orange, Blue, or Red are sent by air and are guarenteed that they will arrive in time.

Remember, if you're not worried about getting your order by Christmas, the best and cheapest course is to ship Ground.


pulled from insane clown posse .com

Reports are already coming in about the invasion headed our way on December 16th. A while back we had given you a preliminary update on the size of this assault force and this report confirms it: 23 fresh new songs are coming our way! This is the biggest they get, 80 minutes of transgalactic sound blasting its way from the deepest corners of outer space to come through your radio speakers and melt your brain with the quickness! The Hatchet Family is coming in full force and this time they have several allies to aid in their goal: world domination! Let's break down the fleet...

1. Intro - No warning shots here... alerts worldwide are going to go off when this one starts up!
2. Conquer - The object of this mission is made plain as day as Violent J, Esham, and ABK lay down the tactics!
3. Hollywood, I'm Coming - California is the primary target for Twiztid's attack plan!
4. Oldie But Goodie - Esham, The Godfather of the Wicked Shit, has a few old tricks up his sleeve that will surely devastate everyone!
5. Warrior - The Hatchet Warrior is going to show the world what a warrior truely is!
6. 10 Bodies - Take that number and multiply it by a million, that's how many Blaze is gonna drop on his attack run!
7. Out There - The Insane Clown Posse brings the far out flavor of outer space straight to your head with the unpredictable styles of Bushwick Bill!
8. Y - You'll be asking yourself the same question as Zug Izland destroys major cities with their relentless sound.
9. Demon Face - Violent J, Shaggy 2 Dope, Twiztid, ABK, and Esham rip the flesh off their faces to reveal the true face of the invaders!
10. True Stories - Want the facts from the trenches? Better pay heed to the one and only Jumpsteady!
11. Some Fuckin' How - When Violent J pulls out the heavy artillery, you'll be surprised by the outcome!
12. 24s on a '84 - It's an all out invasion when Esham and Shaggy 2 Dope team up with the explosive TNT connection!
13. Mr. Sesame Seed - What's with that funky green vapor? You better get it direct from Violent J and ABK!
14. Do It - Shaggy 2 Dope brings the ultimate secret weapon to nuke half a continent!
15. Yuwannahoe - Jamie Madrox and the Monoxide Child land their saucer and tells it like it is!
16. Wicked Wild - All out hysteria hits the streets nationwide as ICP and Esham join forces with Fresh Kid Ice and Fish & Grits!
17. We Live - They just keep coming, even after Earth retaliates! Zug Izland launches a surprise attack of toxic rock!
18. Bitch Shut Up - Ya Dead Homie Blaze and the Boogie Man Esham tell the world leaders what they better do!
19. Under the Big Top - The Wicked Clowns bring the Dark Carnival Super Death Ray out of its secret location!
20. Stayin' Alive - There is no stopping the native funk as the Hatchet Warrior keeps strong on the warpath!
21. Killin' Spree - It's an all out murder frenzy as Esham lets spray a barrage of nuclear bullets!
22. Graverobbers - Dark Lotus has got the Plan 9 and is turning the dead against the world!
23. Free Studio - The ENTIRE Hatchet Family does one unified assault to totally wipe out all of the world!

Prepare yourselves! December 16th they come into radar range! Get to your local music store on that day to get equipped for the defense! Or, get the jump on the assault plan and pre-order it from! The world will never be the same again!


pulled from insane clown posse .com

As you all know, the skies will be filled with laser beans and death rays next Tuesday as the world gets invaded by Psychopathics from Outer Space: Part 2! This interstellar phenomenon is a disc so full of new-release music from everyone on the Psychopathic Records label, as well as some non-Psychopathic artists teaming up with the Hatchet Family, that to put one second more on this disc will cause it to go super-nova! Those not prepared for the devastation are going to run in horror as the invasion takes over the world, but you can take steps to make sure you're one of the lucky ones when the Psychopathics set foot on the Earth. Right now, you can pre-order your copy of Psychopathics from Outer Space: Part 2! That's right, no running around like a freak about to be blasted by a blaster while you're looking for your copy! Order yours now through and have the Psychopathics come to you direct! The invasion is 5 days away and counting... be there at ground zero!



pulled from insane clown posse .com

Listen up all you Juggalos and Juggalettes out there, I got some more Christmas news coming your way! The big bag of holiday gifts keep getting bigger: You got the sold-out Big Baller, you got the holiday-edition of the Weekly Freekly, and you got the two downloads you can get from "Two? But you only mentioned one before, what are you talking about?" Well, I'm here to tell you all about it.

I've already mentioned last Friday that a special treat is coming your way, a holiday gift from Violent J, Shaggy 2 Dope, and ABK. This is a brand new Christmas song that you can bump all through the holiday season and its off the hook! I know you're all dying to hear it but you're gonna have to wait till Friday, December 19th to take a listen... hell, download that, ninja... it's free! Just a special holiday treat for all the Hatchet Family.

"But Willy, we already know that... what did you mean by two downloads?" I'm getting to that. I'm sure many of you were there for the Wicked Wonka and Shangri-La Tours and got to see all the fresh flavor that went down during those two mind-blowing events! Some of you may have missed it, but that's were the second gift comes into play. On December 23rd, right before Christmas Eve, you will be able to download from a free video! This video is for Thy Unveiling and was shot live during the Wicked Wonka Tour. It contains footage made up from various shows during the Shangri-La Tour and Hallowicked! Talk about a killer video... and its all free to download from the site Tuesday, December 23rd!

Like I said, the Christmas bag of benefits is bigger than before with all the flavor that's going down at this year's sold-out Big Baller Christmas Party, the holiday-edition of Violent J's Weekly Freekly, a brand new Christmas song from ICP and ABK, and now a sweet-ass video of Thy Unveiling! Make sure you keep coming to the site this December to check out all the fresh flavor that is coming your way for the holidays!


pulled from insane clown posse .com

Hey all you Juggalos and Juggalettes out there, just wanted to let you know to be on your guard when it comes to purchasing tickets for this year's Big Baller Christmas Party. If you bought them direct from TicketWeb or Hot Hits Records when they went on sale, do not worry. But if you missed your opportunity and are search online for your tickets then watch out! We've been getting a lot of reports of a couple of ninjas out there pulling some snake tactics; selling bootlegged tickets. I'm telling ya, we get emails by the truckloads about some Juggalo or Juggalette buying their tickets to some event, through eBay or some other online auction house or internet seller that wasn't selling them originally, and then getting the total bone when they get to the doors and are not let in because the tickets aren't real. It's not just tickets: clothing, CDs, posters, etc... if you buy from one of these faceless internet ninjas then you take a major risk and may get the total bone. If your going to buy tickets from someone then you better know they are legit (like if you're buying from your homie). Do not buy from some punk you don't know or online unless you want to set yourself up for a major bone!

Now, with that stated, it is obvious people are still scrambling to get themselves some tickets. Well, we headed on over to the venue to see if we could bump up the capacity for this year's Big Baller... and we were successful! Tomorrow, at 11am is the final and I mean absolute final opportunity to get yourself some legit tickets for the party. Hot Hits, over in Roseville MI, will be selling 100 additional tickets to the Big Baller. If you were looking for an outlet to get legit tickets then this is it! If you really really want to go to the party, then you'll want to be at Hot Hits tomorrow. Don't risk a snakey purchase and wind up outside the party; get your tickets direct from Hot Hits and guarentee yourself entry into this year's Big Baller Christmas Party!

Hot Hits Records
29207 Gratiot
Roseville MI


This site was last updated 01/28/04