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Thursday, January 13th, 2005

Date: 13 Jan 2005
Time: 19:55:49 -0500
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What a crazy mixed up day! Well, lets start from the beginning. First period went okay, and second was fine, and of course, I dread third period all day long (English). We had a little quiz yesterday and once again she said that we all sucked on it. But you know what? She never shows us the goddamn quizzes, so how should I know how well I did? Then, study hall was okay, and accounting was hilarious. I drew a picture on Microsoft Paint with Mrs. Knight holding a toothbrush saying "Don't forget your toothbrush. I'm Mrs. Knight, and I approve this message." It's an insider joke, you probably wouldn't understand. Ask Dana Conroy or Becky Wright what the deal is with that. Then, I go to lunch and all this one kid talks about is sex. The quote of the day from this kid is "My virgin ears is just another way of saying that my ears haven't been fucked yet." The kid is disturbing some times. Then, I go to Spanish and the teacher is still a bitch. I'm sorry, but for some reason or another she thinks I'm some super genious Spanish student who deserves harder stuff. God! I hate it when people think that I am smart. There are days I wonder how I am spot number 10 in ranking, because I'm so goddamn stupid sometimes. Go back and proofread this whole journal, and I bet you find so many gramatical errors. Anyway, moving on. Then I go to gym class and all I hear in the locker room is how Christians think they know everything and that they should all rot in hell. Well, while I was listening to this, I had my wooden cross on today. I hardly wear it, but decided that my family needed a miracle with all this moving shit they have to do, so I wore it for a blessing from above, and sure enough, I got that blessing. Everything with the move is going according to plan. So, then I go home and we get a phone call from my aunt and she is trying to sell Girl Scout Cookies. Oh my god! They have this new flavor of cookies called Double Dutch, and all it is is a chocolate, chocolate chip cookie. Mmmmmm....So, then she finds out about the move and offers to take me in, so I said sure, I'll come live with you. The room I'll be staying in will have its own computer with DSL, so I can keep doing this journal and web page thing. So, that's all done. Then I call Kmart and ask for the excuse as to why I have been layed off for so long. I first talked to Muriel, the Human Resources person. She tells me that she gave me my vacation this week because she felt bad that I have been out of work for 5 weeks. Then, she told me that she wiped her hands clean of the whole restaurant scenario. She tells me that Pam is the new manager over at Little Caesars and that even Harry isn't allowed to make decisions anymore. Harry is powerless. So, I talk to Pam next and say, "What the hell?" and she tells me: "Oh, you know, the whole store is taking a huge pay cut and the restaurant is no exception. The restaurant is not closing down, so that rumor is false. We've even had to cut some of the full time people in the restaurant down to 37 hours a week so that we can schedule some part timers. We get the part timers every now and then (chuckles)." WHAT A BITCH! She also told me that the situation in the restaurant with the hours won't pick up until late February. Well, sorry to tell you this Kmart, but I have a job interview tomorrow at the Westfall McDonalds at 7 pm. Ha! Fuck with me will you? lol...To quote Eric Cartman, "DON'T FUCK WITH ME!" So, anyway, that's about how my day went. God, I feel so stuffed up. Maybe I'll overdose on NyQuil and fall asleep. *Yawns ...Well, 'til next time..."It's 10 PM, do you know where your sanity is?"

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