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Wednesday, January 12th, 2005

Date: 12 Jan 2005
Time: 19:09:33 -0500
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Ok, ok...I know that I haven't been so faithful to the site as I have in the past, but hey, life doesn't slow down as it progresses. Anyway, today was your pretty typical day. We had a 2 hour delay in school today (while other schools in our area remained CLOSED) and all the classes were shortened by like 10 minutes. Whoop de freakin' doo! So, anyway, the only abnormal thing that really happened today was during Spanish Class. I have never laughed so hard in that class. We had to describe what our ideal teacher was for one part, and I wrote down that my ideal teacher is one who can't give homework, speak, or walk. I was histerical. Then, we had to describe a picture of a family, and for the grandmother, I wrote down that she had an eating disorder, and for the granddaughter I wrote down that she was lonely, because she was holding the grandmother's hand. You had to have seen the picture to really understand what I am saying here. Anyway, as far as the day went though, I would describe it as typical. The Flash site for the homepage is still under construction, but the introduction is done. In order to see it, you can go on the homepage for the site and click the "View Sample Intro" link in the updates. YOU MUST HAVE MACROMEDIA FLASH PLAYER in order for it to work properly. Give it a few seconds to load up too. So, anyway, some minor tweeks here and there and the Flash site will look great, so keep your eyes peeled for that also. Well, that about sums up the average days of my life. BORING...I know, and yet here I am rambling on over pointless stuff. So, 'til next time..."La niña es sóla. (The girl is lonely)."

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