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Monday, January 10th, 2005

Date: 10 Jan 2005
Time: 16:49:46 -0500
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Well, it's been one pretty fucked up day. First thing this morning, my Explorer gets trapped in ice in my backyard. Great! Then, I finally decide to take the Cavalier to school, but what I forgot is that I put all my stuff on the roof of the car while I unlocked it, and the only thing I forgot on the roof was the one and only key to the Explorer! It flew of the goddamn roof and I can no longer find it. Great! Then, I go to school, I'm almost late to class (all day) and then I come home and there was no luck of finding the keys then either. Then, I hand in other applications for a job, because my job sucks and then I go to Kmart to see the new schedule. Well, guess what?!? Nicholas is off yet again for the next week. I'm looking at 5 weeks with no income and about $2000 in debt. Great! So, now I am going to relax because I have a killer migraine and wish that today never happened. Well, 'til next time..."Don't fuck with me!" >:(

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