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Tuesday, January 4th, 2005

Date: 04 Jan 2005
Time: 20:19:17 -0500
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Well, what a freakin day! School went as it usually does. I handed in my freakin' research paper and I worked on my rough drafts to the new essay we have to do all day. Then, I had to go to the damned bank in order to withdraw another $1300 for my mom's 1994 Ford Explorer (we're Explorer buddies) and they gave me a problem about that. Then, I went to the damned DMV and they hired all these new people. THEY ARE ALL SPAWNS OF THE DEVIL! God, I hate them. There's this one chick there with a manly voice and she was really really fat. The chair looked like it might snap on her at any moment. lol...funniest damned thing I've ever seen. So, that was my crappy day. I decided to change all my Niagara stuff over to my really old Geocities domain, but it isn't all the way changed over yet...So, eventually, "The Official Site of NM22087" will be restored to its former glory. Stay tuned for updates...Well, 'til next time..."Me + My Ford Explorer = Happier Me!"

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