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Monday, January 3rd, 2005

Date: 03 Jan 2005
Time: 17:51:43 -0500
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Well, today I was in a pretty chipper mood if I do say so. I rode my Explorer in to school and surprised everyone, because everyone thought that I would never get it I think...Anyway, so, the school day went by pretty quickly. The only thing I have to complain about is that dickhead Mr. Semerano. Why does it take him so goddamn long to get over to the lockerroom and unlock a door, BEFORE THE ANNOUNCEMENTS START? I tell you what, it must be a hard job being a GYM TEACHER!! lol Okay, so then after school today I went job hunting. I stopped in to Kmart real quickly to find out what the hell is going on. Well, Pam the bitch is the new manager, and there is some kind of inspection going on tomorrow. On top of it all, Kmart's hours are getting reduced. I think that Kmart is going out of business quite frankly. So, I went to Subway, Wendy's, McDonalds, and WalMart today. I filled out applications and I am hopeful that I will hear back from one of them soon. I can't live without money. I just can't. Somebody's gotta fill that gas guzzler's tank! Well, something will give, because 2005 is MY year, because I said so! So, if anybody knows of any part time work in the area, please let me know and email them to me. I guess crap work is better than no work at this point. Hopefully my cousin can get me into PetCo next month making $13.50 an hour, but who knows? She's a blonde ditz. lol I LOVE YOU TIFFANY! :) Ok, time to wrap up! Well, 'til next time..."Don't do drugs...drugs are bad...m'kay?"

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