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Thursday, December 30th, 2004

Date: 30 Dec 2004
Time: 16:24:54 -0500
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Sorry, I haven't written in the journal in a while. In fact, I've been so busy I couldn't really update anything as much as I wanted to. Eventually, I think that I am going to move the site back to GeoCities because these goddamn ads in Angelfire are pissing me off. Anyway, well, in case you can't read the homepage, I won a 1994 Ford Explorer XLT fully loaded on eBay for $1500. It is my new baby and I love it to death. It's got bad tires though, so I can't drive it if it is going to be nasty weather, on those days I'm "bussing" it my parents say. So, that's that. I'll have pictures of that soon enough, just hold your horses. I'm a lot calmer about my job now. I had a talk with Jill and we have decided that we are going to hold strong and see what comes about. We all have an "inkling" that the restaurant is going down. But you know what? Life goes on. For Christmas, I got a book called "Who Moved My Cheese?" (this book was not written by Mr. Koenig!) and it has changed my whole outlook on life. I would recommend it to anyone. It's all about what you are shooting for in life and if you are unhappy with something...CHANGE IT. Just like with my job. Yeah, the money's great, when I WORK, but why I am going to stress over it? If the job doesn't work out, just say adios. There are plenty of other jobs and opportunities out there. So, I have a whole different attitude about life. That, and that 2005 is going to be my family's year! We are going to sell the house this upcoming year, and we are all getting new vehicles. By the way, I don't know if I mentioned this to anyone but a select few, but my mother got into an accident on Monday. She was driving along County Route 1 and there were snow drifts, and her Jeep flipped over three times on the side of the road. She was fine, but the part that scared me was that she had two loose bowling balls in the back of the Jeep! Her Jeep is totalled, so now she is looking at Ford Explorer and my brother just got a 1987 Dodge Dakota for under $200. So, my father and my brother will be Dodge people, and my mother and I will be Ford people. By the way, if anyone knows of anyone who is looking for a 1993 Chevrolet Cavalier RS fully loaded for $1500, let me know! Ok, enough of that...Research Paper Update: I'm done. I am not doing another word on that damned paper. It's not the best job I've done on it, but hey, it's Christmas VACATION, how much does she think we'll do on it?!? Next thing on my list of things to do is the National Honor Society scholarship because that is due the second I get back into school on Monday. God, I can't believe vacation is already almost over! Well, I guess I'll be seeing everyone around. Ok, 'til next time..."Remember to keep the happy, because the new year is going to bring good fortune to everyone!"

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