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Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004

Date: 22 Dec 2004
Time: 19:08:17 -0500
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Yeah, not much happened today. Y'know, last day of classes before Christmas break and all, just fucking boring as all hell. I didn't do a damn thing all day. We sung Calculus Carols in Calculus, then in English we had a tic-tac-toe tournament for some kind of box filled with chocolate. Then, I had study hall where I think I had a job offer to refurbish computers for $6 / hour as a second job to Kmart of course, because we all know Kmart can't schedule for shit. Scheduling 101 should be a part of every manager's curriculum in that hell hole...lol...Right Michele and Amanda? Anyway, moving forward. Also in study hall, I saw the French people come and sing Christmas carols in the hallway. Joey, Doug, Chantal, John, and Mags, and others were hilarious. I couldn't understand a damned word they were singing. lol...IGNORANT...Ok, then I had Accounting, where I did, that's right...nothing! Then I went to lunch and then to the class I dread a little less than English but still a lot, SPANISH!! Ms. Smith is a bitch!! Oh, wait, I'm sorry...en español "¡Es una puta!" lol...We had to do work in that class. We answered questions and then we "sang" Christmas carols in Spanish. When we all got to the Silent Night carol in the packet it was funny because there were pictures of knives about to fall on the sheep. It was more disturbing than funny. Then, Mayde brought her iPod to school and she played "Kermit on Weed" for me and it was so fucking hilarious! Talk about completely idiotic and insane. Things like "The letter of the day is 'joint' and the number of the day is '3', because that's how many joints I've smoked" And it rambles on and on like that. That was funny. So, I guess that about sums it up for today. Tomorrow I head to the damned foot doctors, and then I have Christmas dinner with the redneck side of my family, and then I pack for my trip on Friday. So, 'til next time..."Did you just call me 'Kramit'?"

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