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Tuesday, December 21st, 2004

Date: 21 Dec 2004
Time: 18:05:41 -0500
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First of all, I'd like to wish a Happy Birthday to my grandmother in Polk City, FL. Next, I'd like to discuss why there hasn't been a journal entry recently. You see, my life has been chaos. I have a research paper to do during Christmas break, so I'm preparing for that, I'm only working two days which is causing a financial problem for me personally and my entire family. So, the smile you see on my face during the day may be nothing more than my fake "Kmart" smile. The truth is, we had to have toast for breakfast and lunch last week. I just walked into Grand Union the other day for food with whatever little money we have left. My mother's card was rejected and we had to use mine, which put us about $400 under. That's right. I can't even afford to pay $350 for the Florida trip. I am going to wait until after vacation to do that. It's real tight around here. What Kmart doesn't understand is that I am the only hope there is so that my parents don't have to take two jobs each. But, with this budget cut they imposed on John and I, we are fucked. My family doesn't stand a chance of surfacing to the point of normal until at least February. So, this weekend for Christmas, we are fleeing the area and heading north to our cabin, where nothing wrong ever happens. We will be spending Christmas with our friends the Robinsons (Christina, Tom, and Nate, all of which are portrayed in the CORR Pictures section). So, while you are wondering what great gifts you are getting under your trees, I'll be wondering when I'll live a normal life again. A time when my smile isn't artificial. So, please keep us in your prayers this holiday season. I might have pictures when I come back of upstate, so stay posted. 'Til next time..."Where are you Christmas? Why can't I find you? Why have you gone away?..."

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