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Friday, December 17th, 2004

Date: 17 Dec 2004
Time: 14:54:44 -0500
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Well, am I the only one counting down until the end of the year? I'm not talking about the year 2004 either. I'm talking about June 25th, 2005. This year is dragging and I can't stand anybody anymore. Today for instance, there was this idiot "rapping" in my gym class about everything he saw. Sometimes it went like "Yo yo yo, banner on the wall, what were to happen if you were to fall..." and shit like that. It was stupid. He was loud and obnoxious. Also, my Spanish class was such bull shit. And English sucked too with Mrs. Dekan screaming at us about how we embarrass her and how she is going to do that to us in the middle of the guest speaker today. Then, the Calculus test was horrible! I thought that I understood the max/min optimization problems pretty well, but I guess not. The only thing that I can fall back on is a little something I like to call partial credit. So, now this weekend I am going to work for the only two days I'm scheduled for the week, and then I am starting my research paper that I procrastinated on. This area and year are just pissing me off. I don't get it. Well, I guess I'm going to try and hang in there, but I'm almost at the point where I want to let go and move on. GO BUFFALO!! LAKE EFFECT SNOW!! BOO PORT JERVIS!! FUCKING PREMATURE ASSWHOLES!! Well, 'til next time.."How the hell am I going to pay even half of the amount due on Monday for the Florida trip!?! MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS!!" :|

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