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Monday, December 13th, 2004

Date: 13 Dec 2004
Time: 20:37:44 -0500
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Well, let's just say that today, I am a little pissed off. This last week, I was only scheduled for two days...and now this upcoming week...ONLY TWO FUCKING DAYS!! So, I left a nasty little note for Harry in the morning and I didn't do a great job closing, partly because time was just not with us tonight and that I am so pissed off. Tomorrow, I will be looking for another job in case Kmart doesn't offer me the opportunity to switch departments on the days that the restaurant refuses to schedule me. I have caught rumor of a job offering $9 an hour to start, so I will definitely look into that afterschool. Well, til next time..."I have so much time on my hands, yet time isn't everything, money is!" >:(

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