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Saturday, December 11th, 2004

Date: 11 Dec 2004
Time: 23:01:16 -0500
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Well well well...today was an interesting day...I give it that. Let's start with the first thing that happened. For some reason, my alarm decided to go off at 8:45 in the morning (partly because my parents set it that way without me knowing). I had to take a shower and get dressed by 9:00 and then I had to do dishes and clean the ENTIRE house with them. Windows, dusting, vacuuming, you name it. So if you think that you are the only kid who has to do chores still, you're wrong. Then, I get a phone call from Charles at work saying that Chrissy never showed up. No phone call, nothing. He asked if I could come in at 1 pm instead of 2, and I said yes, because my house was having it's Open House from 12 - 3 today anyway. By the way, the ONLY person who came to look at my house was the botart up the street. And the only reason he looked at it was to see what a $179,200 house looked like so that he can see if he can sell his for that kind of price. LOSER! Anyway, back to the story...So, I start heading into work when all of a sudden, I see them. The signs that say that Kmart is having its 50% off sale again. They were all the way near the I-84 West Ramp. Then again at Best Western, and then again by the Kmart entrance. Turns out that Adam and Chris (guy) from the restaurant were holding signs out front for the day until 4 pm. You pull into the parking lot and you find NOT ONE SPACE!! I did laps around the parking lot for exactly 13 minutes (yes, I'm a dork and timed it). I had to cut off some old woman in a Chevy Blazer in order to get the spot I wanted...lol...HOW COME EVERYONE HAS A NICER CAR THAN ME!!! ... Anyway, I walk in and Michele, possibly the sweetest person in the entire world, is crying. Now, this isn't the first time she's cried, and it probably isn't the second either that she did this at work, but I could tell that she was definitely upset. Turns out that Harry and John the Manager were breathing down her neck and she was backed up as it was. GOD FORBID THE RESTAURANT PEOPLE DON'T KEEP UP ON THE BATHROOMS!!! So, Michele expressed how she was feeling to John, Scott, and Harry. Harry took her outside to talk, and Michele mentioned how upset she was, and how upset I was that I was only getting a mere 2 days every week. Quite honestly, I just wanted to know if the damned department was going under and that I wouldn't have a job after the holidays, because Kmart doesn't tell you these things. They just cut your hours and "assume" that you get the picture. Well, you know the saying, "When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me." So, turns out that the department is actually shaping up pretty well and that closing down is just a rumor. We will still be open at Little Caesar's in Kmart and starting in January, people such as Jason will be getting "the boot", which will once again increase my hours on the future schedules. So, anyway, Michele leaves and Chrissy shows up. She thought that she was working at 2 pm instead of 10 am. So, since they had Heidi called in to cover Chrissy's hours, Chrissy took Heidi's hours. That worked out okay. I walked in at one and everything ran smooth up until Heidi had to leave at 6 pm, leaving just me, Chrissy, and JASON!!!! God, how I HATE him! Victor was all over in the store (again) and when I confronted him about whether he was able to take over at Little Caesar's between 6 and 7 so that I can take the hour break I HAD to take for working so damn long that day, he asked Human Resources and Michele from Human Resources okayed it. So, 6:00 rolls around, I'm ready to take my break, Heidi walks out the door, and then Victor doesn't show up. Turns out that John the manager wanted him to do carts. So, I had to take my hour at this point, even though they ran out of change, they had about 3 large pies made in the walk-in, and there were about 4 orders on the prep table waiting to be made. So, I took my break, hung out in the back, and while I'm in the break room, I hear: "Nick dial 277...Nick dial 277" from Jason. By the way, 277 is Little Caesar's extension for all of those who do not know. So, like everyone else in the breakroom, I IGNORED it. That's right...IGNORED it. I knew something would go wrong the way I left everything, and I was on break. I wasn't going to do a damn thing. So, then my hour break expires and I return. There were about 41 pies to be made, the earliest pie ETA was about 1 hour and 45 minutes. I had customers lined up to the Service Desk and mayhem. There was no order! Victor was over there trying to fix everything and Harry helped out big time. So, 8:00 rolls around, when we normally shut down the ovens on Saturday night, and we are finally caught up. However, nothing was closed. I had 2 hours to close the entire place, without Victor because he was called back to toys, and I did it...with the help of Chrissy of course. Victor came back about 10 minutes before we were done and helped us with what was left (i.e. register, garbage, etc.). So, I got home at 10 pm tonight, and I ran over to Burger King to get supper. And now, here I am writing this LONG journal entry...lol...So, it was an okay night for me, if you look at certain parts. GOOD - Victor working, over $1000 in the register. BAD - Jason, Mayhem, my hour break along with Heidi's half hour break along with Chrissy's half hour break along with Jason's half hour break. So, I mean, I don't know. Make from this whatever you want. If you think I'm bitching too much, I don't think that that is it. I'm actually not mad at all (except at JASON!!). So, tomorrow, I agreed to take Adam's hours from 11:30 until 5 while he holds up the signs again up front. So, if you're working tomorrow, I'll see you there! 'Til next time..."Kmart...It's the luck of the draw!"

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