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Thursday, December 9th, 2004

Date: 09 Dec 2004
Time: 14:42:08 -0500
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Well, we're almost at the end of the year 2004...Thank god! I can't stand it anymore...now that I am accepted to college, I just want to leave this one horse town. What does that even mean, "One horse town"? Anyway, I suppose I should make up for yesterday's journal entry today as well. You see, yesterday I went down to Manhatten to see the new and improved MoMA (Museum of Modern Art, for those of you who do not know) and that was Ok, but I thought that it was a tad to "educational" for me. Then, we walked up to Columbus Circle, Central Park, and then finally to Lincoln Center where we went for dinner. Mayde, Joey, Doug, Tanya, Kaitlyn, John, and I all went to Ollie's, some Chinese place, where the cheapest item on the menu was $9.75 and the service sucked. But supposedly they had great noodles...I don't know, because I stuck wih the $9.75 Chicken w/ Brocoli meal and water, because water is FREE. So, then we go to see the Nutcracker at the New York City Buffet. Now, keep in mind, I have the flu when I mention this next part to you. I "blacked out" in the first half hour of it, but the rest of the time I was wide awake. It was okay from what I saw, but nothing spectacular. There was some crazy woman behind us the whole time talking and humming and kicking Kaitlyn Space's chair. So, Kaitlyn felt obligated to say things such as "She just kicked my fucking chair. I'm going to pop her in the mouth" and "That fucking bitch won't stop humming." Meanwhile, I'm laughing as silent as possible and coughing nonstop. It was so hilarious. Then, during the play, some "woman" who was really played by a man, came out and had huge hips and was popping out children left and right. As soon as that woman began hobbling on stage, Kaitlyn also said to me, "MS. CASSARA!!" and she couldn't control herself. So, that about sums up the trip. All in all it was okay. We only took the school bus as far as BOCES in Goshen and then we took a chartered bus through West Point Tours down. So, that was pretty cool.. Now on to today's events, shall we? Today was nothing spectacular. I still have my cold and I'm a little angry that I have to go to this damned Honor Society community project at 5:00 tonight. The forecast for this area is saying cold and rainy. That's the perfect weather for somebody with a cold...(*sarcasm) So, I've just about had it for the stress. On top of that, I have to write three note cards for my research paper and photocopy my sources, all due tomorrow and not even started. In fact, I really should be doing that now...........yeah, right. PROCRASTINATION!!! That's the name of the tune I'm singing... Also, this Saturday is my house's Open House from 12 - 3, so please keep us in your prayers that we sell this goddamn house and move as quickly as possible. Well, 'til next time..."Nick, Boston called...they said they want their cold back. ~Joey." "Yeah, there's a thinker... ~Nick."

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