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Saturday, November 27th, 2004

Date: 27 Nov 2004
Time: 14:26:01 -0500
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Is it the end of the year yet? Sheesh, this year is going by so slow...Anyway, I'm a little calmer today, of course I am writing this before going into work, but we'll see how things go. I work with John and Adam tonight, so it shouldn't be that bad. I finished my 4 1/2 page letter today, but I am going to revise and edit it so that it doesn't offend my fellow dayshift workers. So, as soon as the letter has been drafted again, I will be handing it to Harry on one of my days off so that in case I am fired, I have the rest of that day to find a new job. I have full permission from my parents to drop this damned job. They KNOW what he's like. So, I am going to go into work today with a positive attitude, and let's see how I return. If you have not received a copy of the letter, please let me know, and I'll email it to you. On a side note, some people came to look at my house this afternoon, and they didn't like it. And I still haven't heard anything from Niagara University, so I don't know what to think of the world right now...Well, 'til next time..."If only I had a hacksaw... ~Heidi."

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