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Friday, November 26th, 2004

Date: 26 Nov 2004
Time: 21:46:56 -0500
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Black Friday, the day has finally arrived...First thing that I receive in my email is a letter from Michele, entitled "Whatever"...You open it up, and find a message explaining what an ass Harry has been to everyone and Michele and Heidi in particular. Michele is planning on not doing anything extra anymore...Well, after tonight, I don't blame her. Here's how it went down: Day shift worked with an ogre named Harry the manager who yelled at every little thing they did...and Heidi started balling when someone asked her what was going on...Once again, the job is getting to people. Then, I come in and Harry leaves a list of things to do, as well as the closing check list. All of which was absolute BULLSHIT!!! So, I do everything along with Chris and Jason, and we finish at 9:00 on the dot. Harry comes over (yes, he stayed until 9!!! FUCKER!!!) Then, he has the balls to say that we didn't do everything good enough...Good enough?!?! FUCK YOU MISTER "I AM FUCKING PERFECT!!" It was all bullshit. Come to find out, someone went to the Human Resources department and ratted on him, so now he is taking his anger out on all of us...WHAT A FUCKING LOSER WITH NO FUCKING LIFE!!! SO WHAT?!!? And now, if anybody complains tomorrow, guess who is liable to the whole situation? That's right Me..He pointed right at me!!! WHY THE FUCK SHOULD A 17 YEAR OLD BE IN CHARGE OF THE WHOLE FUCKING OPERATION OF THE FUCKING RESTAURANT!!!! :( I DON'T GET PAID ENOUGH TO BE FUCKED OVER BY A FUCKING ASSWHOLE!!! You may have noticed that I'm a little pissed, that's normal. So now, I will write a 5 page letter to Harry explaining all of my problems so that he doesn't feel like I don't come to him with my problems. FUCKING BASTARD!!! GET A FUCKING LIFE!!!! GOD DAMMIT!!! Night shift do this, night shift do that...WHY DOESN'T HE FUCKING BURN IN HELL!!!?!?! Ugh...sorry about all the cursing...Well, if you want to see the 5 page letter before I send it in, just let me know and I will be glad to email it to you....Well, 'til next time..."Remember the happy...Happy Black Friday to you all..." THAT FUCKING BASTARD!!!!! :(

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