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Date: 25 Nov 2004
Time: 19:30:18 -0500
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Gobble gobble! lol...just kidding...Guess what?!?! My grandmother on my father's side of the family has decided that she no longer wants HER Ford Explorer, so guess who's gettin' it? ME!!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS, AND GRADUATION FROM GRANDMA!!! Of course, I never just take things...I am going to be paying her about $4,000. My car will be going on sale soon, hopefully...Everything is coming up roses around here, until tomorrow arrives of course, and then it will be the most miserable day of my life. BUT I GET A FORD EXPLORER!!!! Hope everyone's Thanksgiving went okay, and remember to stop into Kmart to see me tomorrow between 3 pm and 9 pm...I'm serious, keep me sane! Well, I better get going...Going to get Baskin Robins ice cream from the little Indians at Dunkin Donuts...'Til next time, "(Damien) I come from the seventh circle of hell...(Mr. Garrison) Oh! My aunt came from Alabama.." ;) Have a happy!

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