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Wednesday, November 17th, 2004

Date: 17 Nov 2004
Time: 20:20:38 -0500
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Well, today was the day of the Spanish trip. Mayde and I played Pokemon on the way down to the city and then we got lost in New Jersey because the bus driver was a complete idiot. New Jersey!?! How was she going to manage driving us into Midtown!! Sheesh...anyway, the Freshmen were getting ancy on the bus and started their "I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM" groaning, so I felt like shooting each and every one of them in the damned head...Would you blame me? Then, we get to the city and go eat at a Mexican Restaurant called "Viva Pancho" where I got Pancho's "Cheeseburger w/ French Fries"...Hey! I ate it at the Mexican restaurant, it qualifies as Mexican food. Then, we went to Toys R Us because we are all children at heart. Joey bought some Halo 2 action figure and named it Captain Oats...Why? Who the hell knows? And Mayde didn't get to take her picture with Geoffrey the Giraffe because Geoffrey went for a lunch/dinner/smoke break...Then we go to see this "Forever Tango" show on Broadway, which ends up lasting forever and Mayde and I fell asleep during the performance. The seats were so small and the aisles were crunched together so you had absolutely no leg room. But, we fell asleep nonetheless. Then, 4:30 rolls around the bus was supposed to pick us up at 4:30 in front of the theatre to take us home, but I guess she got lost (who would've guessed?) and picked us up at about 4:45. We stopped at McDonald's on the way home and got home about 7:15 - 7:30ish. All in all it was an "ok" trip. Next time, I wouldn't take the damned Freshmen, for obvious reasons. Also, the fruit came in today and just about when we were about to get on the bus to go to the trip this morning, General Cassara marches in and asks if everyone has arranged transportation for their fruit to go home, so of course I didn't. I had to have my dad leave work early just to pick up my damned fruit. So, the day ended and my daily responsibilites have come to a close. I think that now I will go to sleep in my nice warm bed instead of in a crowded theatre on Broadway playing a REALLY slow moving play. Well, 'til next time..."Captain Oats, Geoffrey the Giraffe, Halo 2, Pokemon, New Jersey, Virgin Mobile, Artificially inseminated children in Antarctica, Ms. Cassara, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Xena Warrior Princess, and many other words that came out of our mouths during the day...(lol...JENGA!!!)

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