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Sunday, November 14th, 2004

Date: 14 Nov 2004
Time: 20:42:16 -0500
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Today was Family Night at Kmart...IT WAS FREAKING FUN!! It was great! They should do something like that every month...There was musical chairs, some hula hoop thingy, toilet paper wrap up and line dancing...lol...I find humor in the dumbest things. Work was great at the end, but during the day I was really pissed off...Everybody is going to abandon me on night shift on Black Friday and I am going to blow a stress fuse...I can see it now: NICK WILL DO EVERYTHING (just like last year)...but I'm going to drop that for now because it is another week away. Anyway, working with the day shift people for a change today was pretty cool...I just need my vacation really bad and I need Amanda to come back too. AMANDA, COME BACK!!! PLEASE!! Anyway, enough of the wining for one journal entry...'Til next time, "How much is a medium pie with my discount?"

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