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Tuesday, November 9th, 2004

Date: 09 Nov 2004
Time: 14:28:23 -0500
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EVERBODY CAN KISS MY ASS! I have been bothered all day about this and that and I HAVE HAD IT!!! Then, to end my awful day, some asswholes were bugging me when I was asleep in lunch and then...OH YEAH! For the first time ever in my fucking life the gym teacher Mr. Semerano (THE BASTARD!!!) kicked me out of gym for quote "Fooling around for the past five minutes", which is shit because I was on the damned machines in the weight room talking...OH MY GOD!! Talking? In Port Jervis High School? We can't allow that because talking leads to conspiracies, like killing certain gym teachers!! I AM SO FURIOUS RIGHT NOW I CAN'T SEE STRAIGHT!! And, now, I have to get ready for work. I'll let you know how THAT turns out...'Til next time "My mom thought that it was cool that I was kicked out of gym class."

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