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Sunday, November 7th, 2004

Date: 07 Nov 2004
Time: 19:44:38 -0500
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Well, I'm back again...and what a freaking day! I slept in until about noon today, woke up and went to work. When I got to work, I found out that there was a list of demands of the night shift from my boss, Harry. WHAT AN ASSWHOLE!!! I was pissed the rest of the night because I took that list to mean that he felt that I did not have enough to do on nightshift, although we had a meeting on it last month. It was all bullshit and I went from being in an excellent mood going there to a shitty mood when I clocked in. Come to find out, the list said that Harry was coming in to check on the stuff to make sure that it was done, and he didn't bother to check. He came in and went to the Service Desk and walked right back out the damned door! HE HAS NO FUCKING LIFE!!! I hope to God that he does indeed take that job offer at the KFC/Taco Bell going up in Port Jervis because I don't know how much longer I can put up with this bullshit. Oh, and in case anyone will be wondering why I will be pissed all day Monday, the answer is simple: the person who I was supposed to close with decided to up and quit all because she felt that she was doing everything. So, I don't have anyone helping me as of this moment, but my guess will be that it will be either the boss who I despise tonight or one of the new idiots who don't know closing a restaurant from their asses...You know, it just never ends. 'Til next time..."Thank you for shopping and NOT dining at your Westfall Big Kmart."

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