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Saturday, November 6th, 2004

Date: 06 Nov 2004
Time: 22:14:19 -0500
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Well, today my house was on show for the people at Orange-West Realty, so I had to spend my time driving around Port Jervis about 4 times before stopping at Faerie Dust and talking to Charlie because I couldn't be in the house with the realtors around. So, then I arrive home, eat a sandwich from Gamo's Famous Subs and then I get a phone call that Heidi called out and that they needed me to help John close. Well, I get to work at about 3:30 and this new kid Adam was going to be trained tonight...I HATE TRAINING NEW PEOPLE!!! Especially if they are really dumb. John doesn't think that this Adam kid will last because he smells and is kind of stupid. Oh, and now Harry and Muriel want to hire Amanda back (I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED...I GET MY BESTEST BEST FRIEND BACK!!!) And I found out that the store is open to midnight on the holiday season, which means that I may not get out of work until midnight...Those asswholes! Oh, and yearly evaluations are coming up for me. I better be worth more than 15 cents for the whole year...Anyway, enough of my ranting...Until next time..."How should I know, I'm retarded, duh?"

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