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Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Date: 03 Nov 2004
Time: 19:30:42 -0500
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Not much happening today either. Geez, my life is really dull. The Spanish teacher is being more and more of a bitch lately and the Calc test drove most of us mad. I start my research paper next week. (CANT WAIT...*sarcasm) Spanish Club trip is coming up, but I don't know how I am going to pay for it with all of the other expenses in my life. My damned cell phone broke again. I'm PISSED! My only hope is to have my house sell fast! The realtor came to my house today and discussed how long it would take for us to move out of this "great" town. I just want the whole ordeal to be over with. I want my life to slow down just a little! Well, til later...

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