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Three Shutterbug goals!


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"Increasing awareness, access and practical use of MEDIA Arts and Sciences within undeserved communitites"

SHUTTERBUGS is one of several Media Arts youth programs provided by NFAMAS.

Its Mission is to provide an introduction to various forsm of MEdia Arts to youngsters 7-12 yrs old in a fun-filled and safe environment. Aside from technological skills in photograhpy, videography, computers and graphic arts, participants take away other valuable skills. The age appropriate projects provided by the SHUTTERBUGS offer the chance for participants to develop an ability and to learn how to work alone or in a group, this enhances critical analysis capabilitites, improve communication skills, cultivate personal skills, meet friends and strengthen self-esteem through hands on projects which include public service related activities.

Through heightened awareness, new knoledge and implentation of learned skills the SHUTTERBUGS serve as a channel to encourage, train, and prepare youngsters coming from undeserved communities for a positive future...