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Nexxia Coxx


Nexxia is a stunning woman (Apperance Speciality: Breath-Taking) and always has been. She now has short platinum blonde hair and peircing though attractive gaze eminating from her platinum grey eyes. Her body is curved to the pleasure of the eye with all the right details to her body. Although if you look deep enough into her eyes you'd see a determination of life and a sadness that follows tot he deepest darkness. She normally wears some extravagent and revealing (to say the least) shirt and playful jeans. Most of her clothes are of designer wear and some that check the fashion world may recognize her face after the inital stare of admiration....or jealousy. Covered by her light blonde hair are tatoos of a kinfolk glyph and a glasswalker glyph one at the small of her back and one at the back of her neck. Quite a stunning girl yes...but even perfect beauty has it's personal flaws......

Her Story

Yea that's my sister Nexxia....*smirks and looks at you* Yea I know she's a little unethical *grumbles* to say the least...*smiles back up at you* and rude...but a handsome garou like yourself shouldn't let it bother you *grinned sheepishly nervous* But if it makes you feel any better I will tell you a little bit about her so that you can not hold a grudge and understand why she is that way. *a silence washes over Daisy then she continued her story* Nexxia's life hasen't been nessisarily rough but hasen't been a walk in the park either. I suppose I should start from when she moved away from Necropolis New York and to New Breman Georgia, away from our mother, about four months before I did. She lived there a while and settled in, she never was into the mechanics of the Glasswalker society and yet she was closer to them than they thought...more of family than her up-bringing lead on. She always had alot of boyfriends...I think she enjoyed breaking the little boys hearts. Only two men I can think of stold her heart and made it theirs. The first was William, known to the Garou society as Syphon; a hot-headed Glasswalker, the rage would make even Gaia weep, she met him in a bar in New Breman called the Drunkin Scotsman and we won't go into details but from the very second she met him he was trouble. After a little bit of cat and mouse they began going on and off hurting each other then running back to one another. And in between their scuffles of loves bitter taste she met Peter, who was a Hunter unknowingly to Nexxia until later. Peter was a gentle and loving soul and wanted nothing more than to be around Nexxia. Her family ties grew stronger with William still around and helping her as his love for her grew strong as well, Nexxia decided that her place was among family and broke it off with Peter. Only to her dismay Peter killed himself in her arms with a 9mm point-blank to the chest. Devistated she ran to the only friend that seemed to care...William. After Peter's death Nexxia moved in and back to William. Not too long after the return to William did she find out that she was pregnant with William's child. The pregnancy was harsh, Syphon had to move around alot and utilize his status among the garou, only a good "friend" and packmate to Syphon kept her and the baby alive. Although in vain, Syphon disappeared for good and her condition got worse. She finally moved to Necropolis shortly after Patrick and I and strove to take care of her, unknowingly the only one strong enough to take care of her was her "friend", she lost the baby from stress and general depression and worry. Approximatly one month later I had my child...And let our relationship grow father apart....*smirks looking down, then looked up and smiled* But word is that her friend is comming to visit her could be nice...OR it could be trouble...*rae* The "friend"? *seems nervous and chuckles adjusting her glasses* Er...Let's not say any names but personally I think he's jsut what she needs, he runs but for a VERY good reason... but that's another story *grins mischeviously*

The Saga Continues?!

Yes now Nexxia has moved yet again...The person she along time waited couldn't find time to come see her but soon hopefully....So now she's traveled on a plane to catch the nearest city that attracted her attention Altear, Canada...She's setting up there, maybe to find something better. She met an austinagious Garou there who immediatly forced himself to be her mate. Nexxia found her way to Greyson Maxwell, the Elder to the Walkers of Glass and since then has never heard from him. Well it caught her attention meeting up with an old friend she had before she met William and Peter. His name is Todd. Amazingly enough he had powers beyond her describable attention. Soon she's met up with a few of Mages called Cult of Ecstacy and has been being taught about them. Not to mention her and Todd being linked mentally a whole new experience being almost one with someone. What else can she possibly learn more than she has been along as she has been researching Glasswalker and Garou history more and more. She is currently ready to ask a Garou Michelle Vanderhout to be her Guardian after a pipe bomb dealt lethal damage to her and Michelle was the only one who came. She has gotten an assignment from Greyson Maxwell helping the Garou with the dealing of a new company sprouting up under the work of the spirit Sinclair and wriling up the weaver spirits....And this is just the short version of what has been going on. She begun to feel the tug of depression and cut her hair going for a new look and here it is. Much softer and ...will this be a change? And yes it changed. She met a wonderful Ragabash by the name of Rick Hannah. Now engaged and mated. Expecting a baby and a assignment from Greyson Maxwell she seems to be doing well and always ready for that next step to come to her...Ready or not.

Born May 19th under the new Moon, weighing in at 7 lbs. 2 ounces, comming into Nexxia's life is Jonathan Samuel Hannah. Her newly born son. His father Rick Hannah also born under the new moon. What an addition as she gets ready for motherhood and the tribulations that have yet to see her. Her son now a little over a year old the living in the World of Darkness getting cleaker as she clings to Rick and Jonathan as salvation.