The Negalair

December 27, 2004: well, this is my site. This site is awesome, and is produdced by us here at the negavox lair (hence the name -Negalair-). Well, this is the latest update. We basically have stuff that we hope will make you laugh. Enjoy, beyotch.- Log 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December 28, 2004:Well, today is your lucky day. For Celebrating Our first week open and newyears, there will be two postings everyday until sunday, then, after thet, I'll havee school again and I won't have as much time to write anymore. So you better hip-hip-hooray while you can. Don't be depressed.And one more thing. If you guys visit here, please e-mail me to tell me what you think. Don't like my site? I'll argue. Enjoy, beyotch.- Log 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 31,2004: Sorry about the last couple days. I've been caught up in a lot of stuff. Well, I'm gonna be busy till next week, so check out the old articles till then. sorry.Oh yeah, if you read my list of worst movies of all time, I remembered the name of that shark movie. It was "Open Water". Bullshit. Enjoy, beyotch.- Log 3

The negalair

We hope you'll laugh. Thats why were here.

Things I hate. Do you?(Dec.27,04)
Movies that trully suck.(Dec.27,04)
Test your gaydar. Do you have one?(Dec.28,04)
Find out about the future. My thoughts.(Dec.28,04)
