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Southern California Rapid Transit District/
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Los Angeles, California

All Time Roster - 1977-present

Fleet Nos. Manuf.      YEAR     Model         Serial #s          NOTES

8000-8199 AMGeneral 1977 10240B-8 711-910 1 9200-9229 AMG/MAN 1978 SG220-18-2A 298/0002-298/0021 2 7500-7729 Flxible 1980 40102-8-1 91557-91786 3 8200 GM 1981 T8J-204 BV810394 4 8201-9139 GM 1981 T8J-204 BV810696-BV811634 4 9902-9921 Neoplan 1981 N122/3 807001-807220 5 4400-4434 GM 1982 T7J-204 CV821129-CV821163 6 3300-3372 Neoplan 1983 AN-440A DL013765-DL013837 3373-3393 Neoplan 1983 AN-440A DL013839-DL013859 3394-3714 Neoplan 1984 AN-440A EL013001-EL013321 4100-4130 Carpenter 1984 CBW300 DS019025-DS019056 7 4131-4160 Carpenter 1984 CBW300 ES019068-ES019097 8 9250-9259 AMG/MAN [1984] SG220-16.5-2A 298/0107-298/0116 9 1100 Neoplan 1987 AN-440A/3 HL013294 10 1101-1189 Neoplan 1987 AN-440A/3 HL013321-HL013409 10 2000 TMC 1988 T8J-206 JR825321 2001-2266 TMC 1988 T8J-206 JR825373-JR825638 2500-2649 Flxible 1988 40102-6L JD099673-JD099822 1970 TMC 1989 T8J-206 KR825873 11 1971-1999 TMC 1989 T8J-206 KR826055-KR826073 11 2300-2402 TMC 1989 T8J-206 KR826637-KR826739 2700-2764 Flxible 1989 40102-6C KD100772-KD100836 1800-1802 Flxible 1990 40102-6C KD100552-KD100554 12 1803-1804 Flxible 1990 40102-6C KD100762-KD100764 12 1805-1809 Flxible 1990 40102-6C KD100837-KD100841 12 2800-2870 Flxible 1991 40102-6T LD101609-LD101679 2900-2932 Flxible 1992 40102-6T ND102703-ND102735 1200 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828577 13 1201 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828617 13 1202-1220 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828635-NR828653 13 1221 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828657 13 1222-1308 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828663-NR828749 13 1309-1316 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828752-NR828759 13 1317-1355 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828795-NR828833 13 1356-1366 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828839-NR828849 13 1367-1391 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828852-NR828876 13 1392-1403 TMC 1992 T8J-206 NR828981-NR828982 13 1404-1453 TMC 1993 T8J-206 NR828997-NR829046 13 1454-1484 TMC 1993 T8J-206 NR829067-NR829097 13 1485-1492 TMC 1993 T8J-206 NR829099-NR829106 13 1493-1502 TMC 1993 T8J-206 NR829108-NR829117 13 9850 Ford/Eldor. 1994 Aerotech RHA34165 14 9851-9854 Ford/Eldor. 1994 Aerotech RHA14283-RHA14286 14 9855 Ford/Eldor. 1994 Aerotech RHA47068 14 9856-9866 Ford/Eldor. 1994 Aerotech ----------------- 14 9928-9938 Neoplan [1994] AN-340A NL013055-NL013065 15 4500 Neoplan 1995 AN-440A SL013065 12 4501-4550 Neoplan 1995 AN-440A SL013097-SL013146 12 4551-4600 Neoplan 1995 AN-440A SL013173-SL013222 12 4601-4695 Neoplan 1995 AN-440A SL013233-SL013327 12 4696 Neoplan 1996 AN-440A TL013183 12 4697-4746 Neoplan 1997 AN-440A VL013014-VL013063 12 4747-4793 Neoplan 1997 AN-440A VL013146-VL013192 12 4452-4471 GM [1997] T8J-604 EV822308-EV822327 16 6301 Neoplan 1997 AN-440A VL013198 12 6302-6550 Neoplan 1997 AN-440A VL013266-SL013514 12 6551-6600 Neoplan 1998 AN-440A WL013071-WL013120 12 3000-3019 New Flyer 1998 D40LF WU018382-WU018401 17 9140-9153 GM [1999] T8H-203 LIST C 18 6700-6799 Neoplan 1999 AN-440A XL013258-XL013357 12 5000 New Flyer 1999 C40HF WU019297 12 5001-5010 New Flyer 2000 C40HF XU020050-XU020059 12 5011-5012 New Flyer 2000 C40HF XU020100-XU020101 12 5013-5052 New Flyer 2000 C40HF XU020060-XU020099 12 5053-5222 New Flyer 2000 C40HF XU020102-XU020271 12 7000 NABI 1999 040.08 XA140439 12 7001 NABI 2000 040.08 YA140115 12 7002-7214 NABI 1999 040.08 Y1140116-Y1140328 12 5300 New Flyer 1999 C40LF XU020635 12 5301-5414 New Flyer 2000 C40LF YU021710-YU021823 12 5415-5522 New Flyer 2000 C40LF YU022260-YU022367 12 7300-7514 NABI 2001 040.08 1A140018-1A140232 12 7600 NABI 2001 040.08 1A140554 12 7601-7617 NABI 2001 040.08 1A140528-1A140544 12 7618-7949 NABI 2001 040.08 1A140555-1A140886 12 7980-7999 NABI 2002 40C.02 2A140145-2A140164 12 8000 NABI 2003 45C.03 3A140718 12


1 - First wheelchair equipped buses
2 - 60 foot, 3 door articulated bus
3 - Grumman 870, later rebuilt with 6V92TA engine
4 - Largest single order of RTS buses
5 - Double deckers
6 - 35 foot buses
7 - 30 foot buses (Body #1-31)
8 - 30 foot buses (Body #1-30)
9 - 55 foot, 2 door articulated bus, originally Golden Gate Transit (CA) 451-460
10 - Suburban, single door, 3 axle bus
11 - Methanol powered; later repowered to diesel
12 - CNG fueled
13 - Methanol fueled; 1200-1502 originally purchased by SCRTD, however LACMTA took over SCRTD operations while order was delivered; later repowered to diesel
14 - Cutaways leased by LACMTA
15 - Ex-LADOT 99208-99038, owned by LADOT, leased to LACMTA
16 - Ex-Long Beach Transit, same numbers, originally built 1984
17 - Originally ordered by ATC-Nevada (Las Vegas) #680-699, cancelled before built
18 - Originally Orange County (Cal.) Transit District, built in 1980, see list for numbers
19 - CNG Fueled; part of 7300-7514 order, awaiting confirmation of remaining bus serials for this group
20 - CNG Fueled; First production "Composite" buses from NABI

Groups of buses listed in bold face are still active.

Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (1940-1965) | Southern California Rapid Transit District (1965-1977) | SCRTD/Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (1977-present)

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Page updated Saturday, 27 July 2002

DISCLAIMER: This page is not an official site of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, its agents, contractors or affiliates, or any of the above listed transit systems listed herein. Appearance of this page does not represent approval, endorsement, or recognition by the aforementioned companies or agencies.