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Nagy's Site

Welcome to my site. I have this site to save my files on in case my computer gets messed up. It has already helped me recover my AP American summaries and my background and cursor files since my hard drive messed up. Anyone who finds anything useful on this site (except my novel) can use it for their own use. I have also started writing a novel (Maybe nothing will come of it, but I'm having fun writing it.) I copyrighted the novel and all its characters and even the basic future plot. I will continue writing the chapters and I'm planning to add a new chapter every week or so. If you have any comments or questions about Ethereal Realm of Fortitude or E.R.F. for short, (my novel), then please email me. The first two chapters are up already and can be found in My Stuff. You can also find my background pictures, cursors, and some music I made.
I hope you enjoy my site.

My Stuff

True Techno, and Jazz (New Songs by Me)

Macbeth, Act IV


Here are some Guitar Solos that I think are good. (There is a 1 second pause where I cut out the words.)

Tourniquet: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Saviour Machine: 1 2 3 4
Mortification: 1 2 3 4 5

This song was on Myspace before, for those of you who liked it. Its "My Heartstrings Come Undone," by Demon Hunter.
This song is my Myspace quote: Like Dust In The Wind by Ultrabeat

Amazing Profits by John Beck
