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My Place On The Web

A Quick Thank You... To Grant for helping me name this webpage. I promised him that I would give him credit for this title. So, Grant, thank you for helping me to come up with a name for my webpage when I was desperately in need of one. :-)

Well then. My name's Nicole, I'm 23, live on Long Island, New York. I'm a graduate of Hofstra University, where I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Communications. I interned at my childhood dream, Newsday, where I worked on their website . The internship helped me to obtain a nine-week freelance position with them where I did the same kinds of things that I did when I interned. But instead of working on the Natural World site, I worked on the Long Island History site. It's all really easy and I hope that I am able to get a job out of all this at Newsday soon..but I won't hold my breath. ::Sigh::
So in the meantime, I'm offering $1,000 to anyone who will find me a decent job. Yes, you read that right, one grand for anyone who finds me a job. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail me. Make sure to include the job title, description, location, and, if you know it, what the pay is. Thank you. :)
For now I'm a teller at Roslyn Slavings Bank (right Anthony?) where I've worked for the past three and a half years. How sad does that sound. Ugh. I pretty much work there every day and supervise some nights. I wouldn't call it the greatest job in the world, but it's alright. I worked at Loews back in the day. That sucked. But in some ways, Loews was better. I mean what's better than free movies? And popcorn? And soda? And..PINK LEMONADE!! Or...the BEST drink in the world..Sprite mixed with a little bit of pink lemonade and fruit punch! Okay, I'm getting carried away. But besides those great free things, I miss my "people." They know who they are. :)

"For all you pains in the asses out there, remember, you can only irritate so many people before you piss off the wrong one"~Night Visions
This quote was originally on my quote page but I don't think many people actually look at that so I put it here so you're FORCED to look at it. Hehehehe. <--evil laughter

ANYWAY...I hope you enjoy this page (isn't the dancing smiley guy the cutest?) and keep checking back for updates. I hope to get some more pictures on here soon. (I even have a digital camera now!! :-0!) Let me know what you think of it, and be sure to sign my guestbook :-)

Pictures are here!!
RSB Holiday Party

LAST UPDATED: November 9, 2004

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Some More Quotes...
"A homemade friend wears longer than one you buy in the market."~Austin O'Malley
"Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age."~Booth Tarkington
"I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always fifteen years older than I am."~Bernard Baruch

Here's a little something that I was a part of at Newsday. It's called "Our Natural World" and this link will take you to the names of the people who contributed to the site. My name's on there and I'm very proud of it. I love Newsday. :)
Our Natural World--Behind the Scenes

Other Links

My Favorite Movies
Memorable Quotes
Song Quotes
Take a Trip Down Memory Lane
Strawberry Shortcake