Fight Club!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
I'm on AIM a lot, if you wanna' chat then click this and IM me.

My Bio Pictures Poetry Rant Pics2 Ouch

Ouch - The Bitch, my old car.

Pics2 - Pictures of me

Pics - Pictures me and people in my life

My Poetry

My Bio (not complete)

My Rant - I bitch about my life

My Online Buddies - These are good people

Places I spend time online at

My Friend Mike's Site

My Cyber-Father's Site

My Friend Steve's Site

The Not So New Edition to me

My Bio Pictures Poetry Rant Pics2 Ouch

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A big thanks to Stucam for all the help on making my page not look like such a turd.

"Real love is forever."
-The Crow