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*~Mesmerizing Kisses~*

*Welcome to the oh so wonderful world of Heather*

*Me, Me, Me*

*~Pics Pages~*
*Pics Of ME*
*Pics Of Family*
*Pics Of Friends*
*New Pics Page 1*
*New Pics Page 2*
*New Pics Page 3* 6/02/03
I couldn't fit any more pics on this page so click the link below for more pics(

~*Shoutout Pages*~
*Shoutouts To My Girls*
*Shoutouts To My Guys*

*My Poems Page 1*
*Poems Page 2*
*Poems Page 3*
*Senior Class Poem*

*My Tattoos*
*Class of 2003*
*Songs of the Moment*

Love-a-Lot Bear
You love to take care of others and people love being around you because you make them feel appreciated. You are very sweet and soft-spoken. You are also a romantic and consider yourself an excellent matchmaker, so you tend to be a bit nosy. But everyone still considers you the sweetest person they know.


My other webpage- very first one