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Mere's Home on the Web

All right, you found me.

You have stumbled across my website!!! Hooray! This means one of two things, 1. you know me and are checking out my website because you think I am very cool or 2. you don't know me and got lucky. Anyhow, I have spent the last four years at the University of Pittsburgh studying film. I was also an active marching member of the Pitt Band for four years. I love music, movies, hanging around, taking pictures, you get it. If you want to know more about me, or you know me and want to see where you are in this site, click here.

Well, I'll spare you the rest of the usual stuff since you probably know about me if you're here on this site, so just look around and enjoy what's here!

My Music Pages My Photography Pages (not quite up yet) "IT'S MY IRLAND!!!" (this is not a typo)

Fun things (and terrible, terrible jokes)

Links! Fun For All!!

I am not affiliated with any of the bands or movies on this site, nor did they give me permission to use their material. If I have anything here that you wish to see removed, please e-mail me and I will remove it.