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I wrote the following speech and read it at a memorial service held on April 25, 2002, organized by the Interfaith Office. I'm glad I was asked to speak. Thank you.

I have been dreading this day since last spring. Just the name of this month makes me cringe, but that's how it will always be. Everything changed for us after Max died, and I can't even remember what it used to be like. We've all come together today for the same reason: to remember the life that was taken away from us a year ago today. I fear the passage of time because it is the one enemy I haven't managed to conquer. No matter what I do, time continues and life goes on...without Max. And with every single second I feel like I am being torn further away from him. Some time ago someone asked me why I was still in so much pain if I only knew him for two months. The answer is simple: because it was the greatest two months of my life. Max taught me so much about life and love, maybe without even knowing it, and I owe so much to him.

So thank you all for being here today. And a special thanks to all of my classmates, professors and the administrators in the School of Communication for all their help with the upcoming telthon, which will benefit the Max Kolb Scholarship.