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Brett Figliozzi


At times you see alot of singers with so much talent and you think to yourself... "Damn, why is this artist not signed?? They should be on MTV!! There is something wrong here".....Meet Brett Figliozzi. Brett has such great talent and incredible presence that leaves you in awe after your first meeting with him. MME recently had the chance to interview Brett and we were impressed with his courageous and great outlook on life, check out the interview and be sure to visit,

MME: First off, how old are you and at what age did you decide or know that you wanted to become a singer?

Brett:I am 17 right now and I really have known my entire life that I wanted to be a professional singer. I didn't actually start to pursue professional theatre and performing till I was 11 when I was brought to my first agency by a friend.

MME:Who are some of your biggest musical influences?

Brett:Some of my biggest influences right now would have to be Mandy Moore, N'Sync, The Backstreet Boys, Joey McIntyre, Alicia Keys, India Arie, Brian McKnight many! I think all of them have great things about themselves that I guess I try to incorporate into me while still being myself.

MME: Did they inspire you in anyway to get into the music industry?

Brett:Seeing them perform always just made me appreciate the music and love it even more.

MME:Have you had the chance to meet any of them?

Brett:I actually met Anastacia if anyone knows who she is. She sings "I'm Outta Love" and she is signed to Epic. She is huge right now in Europe, her style is really cool and her album is awesome because it's something you normally wouldn't hear. I met her on my RCA Records Audition for a boyband and she told me to stay strong, stay true to myself and never give up on my dreams ..haven't!
I have also met Dreamstreet, P!NK, and Method Man! As far as seeing celebs I have seen N'Sync and Britney Spears.

MME:How does your friends and family feel about your career in the music biz?

Brett:All of my friends really support me alot which is great. You would think there would be some people who were iffy about the idea of going into something so unstable, but everyone is really behind me. My parents have always been my biggest supporters though. They have sacrificed so much for me and invested so much into my career. I thank them every chance I get.

MME: At the moment you are unsigned, what label would be your dream label to be signed to and why?

Brett:As some already know, I wouldn't mind being signed by any label, as long as I felt they represented who I was correctly and didn't try and manufacter me. If I were to pick one however, It would be Columbia Records. I have dreamed of being signed by Tommy Motolla since I was about 7.

MME: Ok, now I am sure you hear this question alot but.....we know that you auditioned to be part of Boy Wonder that later became Dream Street, how do you feel about not making the cut?

Brett:Ahh ..the inevitable! haha ..Well far as not making the cut, you have to kind of be prepared for it. When you are in the business there is a lot of rejection and if you can't handle it you really should get out as fast as you can because nothing is for sure as I have learned. I can tell you though I was very disappointed because I was best friends with Greg Raposo and I wanted both of us to make it so bad and live out our dreams together ..I am still very proud of him though. I'm so happy he is doing exactly what he was born to do.

MME:As of right now there are alot of shows that involve creating groups with audtioning like Popstars and Making The Band... would you ever consider auditioning for one of those kind of shows and do you ever watch any of them?

Brett:Although I may be a fan of the artists and these shows and even though they me be extremely talented - I don't like the message it portrays. It's kind of like ..hey let me have an audition and put people on TV and then show the world how I can get my choreographers and voice teachers to scream at them. I think they are on TV more for entertainment rather than the music. I could be wrong but that's just my opinion. I do think they are EXTREMELY talented people again, I wouldn't be on a show like those though because I would rather live my dream the way I have invisioned it ..not on a TV show for the world to see.

MME: Where do you hope to see yourself in about 5-10 years from now?

Brett:I see myself making music, really happy, living out my dreams, performing all over the world, flying in "The Brett Jet" haha.. and trying to help make the world better in my own ways by helping people and giving back to the world as much as music has given to me.

MME: What advice would you give to aspiring singers out there?

Brett:NETWORK YOURSELF. Get yourself out there as best as you can. Perform any gig you can, sing down sidewalks like I do. As it may be embarassing, you never know who could be standing right next to you or walking by. I just try not to limit myself and I dont think anyone else should. Get yourself online, try and get a street team going. My street team has helped me so much not just with promotions and everything, but also emotionally. Knowing that people are behind you who arent just your friends and fam, no matter how special that may be, is a great feeling.

MME:And last but not least here are some either or questions.....
Brett: N'Sync

MME:Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?
Brett: Christina Aguilera

MME: Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park?

Brett: Um ..haha ..Limp Bizkit ..Fred Durst sang with Christina @ the VMA's haha.

Brett: I dont have MTV2 so I guess MTV

MME:Daytime or Nightime?

MME:Potatoes or Patatoes?

MME: Tomatoes or Tamatoes?

MME: Sunrise or Sunset?

MME:Lonely and Rich or Poor and Happy?
Brett:Poor and Happy.

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