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Some people have a musical talent, some are very athletic, and others are good in school. Unfortunately, success in school is the one that tend's to be associated with intelligence. However, current studies show that there are many types of intelligence, and that different people are talented in different areas. Along the same lines, different people learn best in different ways. Each of us has our own style where we learn best. This is true for our children as well. Some children like to write, others like to discuss, some need to hear things. Children might need to discover answers on their own, while others prefer to be told how to find answers. Do you know how your child learns best? During parent/teacher conferences, you should discuss this with your child's teacher. He or she may have some suggestions for you, and your observations may be helpful to him or her.

Part of the process is to discover a style of learning that will be successful for your child. Your child's individual program is just that: individual. A good teacher will try to make instruction as individual as possible for every student in the class. They will try to do whatever possible to help your child learn. Sometimes that will include spending 5 minutes a day on a one-to-one basis. Sometimes it may mean that the teacher plans on using a reading book that your child will be interesting in reading. When these methods of instruction do not work, and your child is still having difficulty, then the even more individualized plan of special education may be necessary. The key is to individualize your child's learning to the point where he will learn best, in his least restrictive environment (LRE). The LRE simply means that your child needs to be in a setting that is as close to a mainstreamed (general education)classroom as possible for as much time during the day as possible. This will allow your child to socialize with his peer group while still allowing him to recieve instruction that is catered to his own individual needs.
