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Mariska Hargitay A True Hero For All

My Favorite Web Sites

Mariska Hargitay Fan Group
Her Official Web Site
A Great Fan Web Site
Benson/Stabler Fan Fic

Mariska Hargitay amazes me in so many ways. Her incredible heart of gold and extraordinary giving nature is what makes her the beautiful person she is. She is beautiful inside and out and is an amazing role model for women and young girls worldwide.

No one else could ever bring Olivia Benson to life every week as Mariska does. Her amazing talent gives all of us women of the world someone to look up to and aspire to be like someday.

This web site was created by my great friend Kate and I to celebrate Mariska's breathtaking beauty and inspiring talent so we hope you will enjoy this web site and we also hope that Mariska has impacted and inspired you as she has inpacted and inspired us. Here Mariska will always be held within our hearts.

Take Care Everyone,
Site Owners Cheryl And Kate.

Back in May I e-mailed Mariska and Peter a congratulations poem when I found out they were getting married.A few days later I received a reply from Mariska, I was both shocked and happy all at once.Here is what the e-mail said.

Dear Cheryl, Wow, what beauty you possess.Thank you so much for your beautiful poem and for sharing your talent with me.I hope you are well. God Bless.



Dedication love and strength that's you
As you reached out and helped me through
My desperation of needing so much
Was lost within your heart's loving touch.

As through Olivia you reached out
Rescuing me from painful doubt
Alone and scared I did feel
Thinking my heart could never heal.

From the devastation my soul has known
As longer and longer my pain has grown
If only Mariska or Olivia were here
I wouldn't have felt so much pain and fear.

When I lost myself and my soul
My innocence stolen as was my control
I not only know but do believe
My pain will heal as I grieve.

All that was stolen and taken from me
Will be found as I'm set free
Although the pain is still here
I can fight and beat this fear.

As to you I would like to send
A special gift to commend
Your inspiration that touched my heart
That made me stronger while falling apart.

So I reach out to let you know
My daughter will watch this show
As I explain how and why
I named her Mariska as I cry.


Mariska & Peter

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