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Marie ... Our Angel ... We Miss You !
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Marie ... Our Angel ... We Miss You Always !

In Loving Memory of Marie Adams - Castrataro

This is Great Grandma Angelina On Left and Grandma Marie On The Right. We Miss You Both (Mother & Daughter)

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The Bridge

The chair is empty .. Patio serene ..
I know it is missing you, as I miss seeing you on it .. calling me,
Beckoning for me to come to you because you needed someone to listen to you,
As you have always listened to me.
You are greatly missed !
I remember the smiles and the laughter, The warm embraces that only you could give.
I recall the comfort the sound your voice never failed to give,
The light that would shine in your eyes whenever your family would surround you.
We were your sunshine as you were our.
We lived each day around you,
Taking advantage of time as if it was something we would always have.
We smiled at your jokes and cried with you as you suffered in pain.
We went along with, followed behind you as you led the way for us.
Living and learning with each passing day.
You were a constant that we would soon unreluctantly take for granted as we aged, We stored the memories of you in a distant place in our minds,
Then, instead of walking along side you we would walk away ...
Instead of you filling our days, it was others who took our time.
We valued friendships more then we valued the love that was so clearly there in your eyes.
We put you aside for something that seemed more important at the time.
We never stopped to notice that your smile had turned to a frown and the laughter to tears.
You were lonely and you silently called out to us,
We were too busy to listen, When should have listened.
We should have shown you that you were so much more then that little old woman that lived in the house across the way.
You were salvation and security.
You were the healer when, the hurt wouldnt subside.
You owned the shoulder that had been drenched with so many of our tears.
You were the sunshine on a rainy day.
I always wondered how you always knew what I felt.
You could always see it in my eyes and hear it in my voice.
I wonder did you know that I loved you ?
I wonder if you felt our love coming through as we all went through our rough and lonely times.
It was your love that gave us the power to smile.
You would give your kindness so freely without worry, without doubt.
I remember the gifts that were given so freely ...
Those special gifts even when gift giving had gotten so difficult and money was tight.
You would suffer just to see the smile on our faces, and to hear the words "Thank You Grandma"
I remember when we used to sing, your voice still echos in my mind.
I hear your voice it calls out to me.
I remember your pain. Nobody could do anything to help you.
I wish I could have helped you as you have helped me throughout the years.
I hope you know it wasnt because I didnt care.
I guess we didnt know how. I guess we were afraid.
It is now that you lie in your cold hard grave that many of us realize how much we needed you.
You were the stone amonst so many pebbles.
The bridge over troubles waters.
Now that bridge has fallen down and we are sinking ... that bridge no longer stands.
There isnt anybody that can rebuild it because nobody knows how...
if not for that, nobody wants to or even cares to try.
You were so strong living amonst so many weaklings.
I know you are wondering now why we are so selfish.
We are selfish wanting you back in our worlds,
But why would we want to bring you back when it is here that you would only hurt,
Seeing and feeling all the pointless critisism,
Hearing all the harsh words. I think not !
It is now that you have finally gotten your wings. You are flying like an angel.
You no longer feel pain. Heaven is your reward for all the lives you have fufilled and enriched.
You are an angel now at peace.
Living in a beautiful place. A place that can never be taken away from you.
Earth as you have known it has evolved into a living hell.
Family is distant and people are hurting,
I use the word hell strongly as the flames are engulfed and they surround us.
The knives are so sharp and piercing that stick in our backs.
The selfishness and the critisism that lives within all of us on a daily basis would only make you sad ...
And you have already had your share of sadness.
I remember your smile, and I remember your tears. I remember how you cried when we all fell apart.
I remember all the times you bridged the gap and made us whole again.
I know you are looking down at us now and its the rain the symbolizes your tears.
I know you are hurting for us...

Never Forget That We Love You Always !

Your Loving Grand-Daughter Charlene

Other Sites I Have Created

Vincents Memorial
Marie's Memorial
Angelina Memorial
Charlene's Non Sports Cards
The Sexy Sorceress