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« Beer Pong Rules »

Hudson Valley Beer Pong Rules

· Must have a designated driver or be able to stay where you are and sleep it off. (you will be very drunk no doubt about it)

· A ping pong table or one of about the same size. (a large picnic table is good for outdoor compentition)

· Teams of 2 on a side. (better if you have a girl on your team see blow rule)

· Beer and plenty of it (1/2 kegs are good and yes you finish them if you have 8-10 teams)

· Each team begins with 10 cups (16oz red or blue plastic are the best) arranged in a triangle. (4 in the back, 3 in the next row, 2, then 1 at the top) Filled up 1/3 of the way with beer.

· 1 extra cup on each side with cold water to clean the ball if falls on the floor. (good to make sure the water is cold because it is not good to put a warm ball in a cold beer, remember you have to drink the beer)

· Typically, the two teams will shoot to see who goes first. (the ball is shot in a high arch and you must release the ball before your hand passes over your cups)

· Once a cup is made it is removed from the table and it’s content’s must be drank by the opposing team. (do this fast see instant win rules)

· Players continue to shoot at each other’s cups until none remain. The losing team must drink the remaining cups from the winning team.

· When there is 4 or less cups left during the game a player may request to have the opposing team’s cups rearranged in any formation they choose and this is only allowed once per player.

· If a ball is bounced off the table and goes in a cup it counts as 2 cups. However, the opposing team may knock the ball away after it bounces off the table once.

· If a ball hits off of a player and falls into a cup, it counts.

· If two members of an opposing team make both of they’re shots, the balls are returned to that team. There is no limit how many times balls may be returned to them.

· After the last cup is made, the opposing team has two shots to keep the game going. This is called a “rebuttal”. If that team makes one cup, both balls are returned to the original team and the game continues.

· Sometimes a ball will ring around a cup and if blown on, will bounce out. Only girls may do this.

· Skilz shots are allowed for cups not touching any other and must be called, if made they are worth 2 cups to the team made against. (this is only allowed one time per player)

· Talking trash and busting (as always) is strongly encouraged and distraction can be used (see instant win rules) Any cup knocked over counts. However, players may not deliberately knock over a cup. (Nolan Ryan Rule)

Instant Wins

· If a team gets one ball in a cup and it is not removed fast enough from the table that the other player can get their ball in it too.

· If while a playing a player is drinking their cup of beer and has not finished it and the other team can get a ball in the cup. (this can happen if the cup is set down or while the player is holding it as long as the beer is not finished it, this is where distraction plays in a lot)