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MANTIS Name: Nada

MANTIS Name Significance: Nada doesn't care about anything, he doesn't care whether you live or die. Just get the job done. It’s all about the MANTISes and their goals. However, just because nada means nothing, doesn’t mean he has no feelings or emotions cause he does… especially anger so don’t fuck up like Mantis Orko does constantly… man that guy is a moron,its probably cause he’s Greek.

Rank: Vice-President

Years of Membership: 3

MANTIS Duties: Watch over MANTIS meetings, also provides lots of hearsay and conjecture.

Occupation outside of MANTIS Responsibilities: Hopefully a Nintendo rep., otherwise Theme Park ride operator; does volunteer work as a Vietnam War Issue speaker in various educational institutions.

Personal Quote: "Nice Jacket, HOMO!"

AIM Screename: MANTIS Nada/Red Hyphen

E-mail Address: (that’s mantis_nada)