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MANTIS Diablia

MANTIS Name: Diablia

Mantis Name Significance: Meaning "Devil" in Latin, Diablia, commands much intimidation as the first female MANTIS. Fairly new to the organization, she spends most of her time learning the tricks of the trade in MANTIS Nada's office.

Rank: Standard MANTIS

Years of Membership: 3/4

MANTIS Duties:Duties of Standard MANTISes are limited to performing office facilitations such as cleaning the office and bathrooms, answering the MANTIS red phone, replacing ink cartridges in MANTIS HP Laserjet 1100 printers, making fast food runs during overnight meeting sessions, and returning overdue DVDs to Blockbuster Video.

Occupation outside of MANTIS Responsibilities: Stripper at Roadside McDonald’s in San Quentin , New Mexico

Presonal Quote: "Meh, …M-E-H, meh"

AIM Screename: MANTIS Diablia/minnymonny

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