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LMW Works Publications

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Old Glory Corporation
Brookhurst Hobbies
Brigade Games
On Military Matters
The London War Room
Caliver Books








Our Titles

Begin your journey through history with Classical Hack Ancient Warfare 600 B.C. to 600 A.D., Second Edition . Ideal for those miniature gamers who are not the least bit interestd in tournament play. Classical Hack is the definative set of rules for the ancient historical gamer, includes table of contents, index, diagrams, army lists, special add-on tactics and, naturally, the rules. Players will find these simple, historical and fast, ideal for scenario and pick-up gamers. Retails for $24.00

Continue your journey with Classical Hack Scenarios Rome . Follow the Roman way of war from the founding of Rome to the Conquest of Britain. Also includes table of contents, diagrams, orders of battle, Spanish mini-campaign (circa 76 B.C) and, a detailed description of the legion in 6 different periods. Forerunner of changes to updated Classical Hack Second Edition.Includes 15 different scenarios. Contributors include Allan D. Fleming, Scott Holder, Robert G.Sillars, Steve Phenow, Philip J. Viverito, Russ Lockwood and Grant Forsythe. Retails for $18.95

G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. (Glorious Adventures in Science Loosely Involving Generally Historical Times) are rules written for playing out adventures in the Victorian Era. Christopher Palmer and John R. ("Buck") Surdu have skillfully wrought a game system for fighting skirmishes in the Victorian Era both histoical or fantasy. Your imagination provide the only boundaries. "Bands of stout-hearted Extras are lead by Main Characters - from the streets of London to the hills of South Africa and from the glorious charges of the Crimea to the malestrom of the American Civil War." These rules are inspired by the works of Wells, Verne and Haggard. Illustrated with diagrams, charts, personnel records, character generators and more. The 36 pages will delight for young and old alike. Retails for $15.00.

The American Civil War by G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. (Glorious Adventures in Science Loosely Involving Generally Historical Times) is the companion volume to G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. Christopher Palmer designed six exciting and highly playable scenarios games for G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T.Each scenario includes a brief narrative, orders of battle, victory objectives, special rules for specifically used for each scenario and a map. These scenarios cover the American Civil War from November 1861 to October 1863. In addition to the scenarios is an epilogue and a "Compendium of Weapons and Vehicles". This book has 84 exciting pages, filled with charts, illustrations and more. Retails for $20.00.

Big Battles for Little Hands was authored by John R. ("Buck") Surdu and Rob Dean. This is a complete guide to miniature gaming for beginners and children alike. For children it can be an excellent way to teach reading, history and math while making these dry topics interesting and exciting. It covers land warfare through out history, a primary understanding of tactics in relation to gaming, terms, sample scenarios, resources for purchasing figures, painting guides, building model terrain, notes for adults, a glossary, five appendices and more. Fully illustrated with cut outs, markers, and charts. 141 pages. Retails for $25.00.

Wellington Rules is a set of rules designed to fight tactical engagements during the Napoleonic Wars with miniatures. Wellington Rules was designed so that each player would control approximatelya brigade of troops. Figure scale is 1:30, guns 1:2, artillery figures 1:10, scale is 1 inch equals 15 yards and 1 turn represents 15 minutes of real time. Illustrated with charts, diagrams and many orders of battles for the embattled powers of the time. Forty pages. Retails for $20.00.

Fire Team Vietnam is an exciting set of wargaming rules for company sized actions during the American involvement in Vietnam. The rules are designed for each players to easily manage a platoon. The rules feature command control rules, a unique observation spotting system, quick and easy small arms fire resolution, scenarios and orders of battle for many of the different combatants.The entire book is profusely illustrated with period photos, diagrams and maps. Fifty eight pages. Retails for $20.00.


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Page created: 11/15/2002