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You Are Hearing: Chico Debarge " Playa Hater"!!!

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10 Rules to live by:

1.Always chew with your mouth closed
2.Never doubt a person w/o giving them a fair chance
3.Never wear your heart on your sleeve
4.Believe in fate and destiny
5.Live your life to the fulliest
6.Cherish those around you
7.Believe in love at first sight
8.Don`t be afraid to express yourself
9.Always remember good things come in small packages
10. Lastly, next to life, love is the most precious gift God gave us, so accept it and show it to those whom you care for!!!!!!!

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cherry pie


Just like the Sade song says.
That’s because you have a streak in you, Girl, and it cannot be denied.
You really know how to have a good time, but you wouldn’t know it from your sweet exterior.
Not only do you like to be the center of attention...
But you also like your pussy to be the center of attention.
And it usually is because men know prime pussy when they see it.
Or feel it. Or taste it. Or bang it.

Is *Your* Pussy Sweet or Sour?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

But I"m actually a Scorpio! !!!


Your Sex Sign is Aries!

You're fiery, independent, and the best anyone's ever had.
You're so hot that you drive everyone wild with sexual frustration.
You're a total star when you're on top, but you also need to be impressed in bed.

Aries, you are headstrong, spolied, fiery in temperment, and fiercely independent.
You always want to be the best anyone's ever had, and you'll spend all night convincing your lover that you are.
Don't worry - you usually are the best anyone has ever had.
When you get down, you don't leave out anything.

Sexually, you're a leader and very sure of yourself.
One of your favorite positions is being on top, where you can move freely - while letting your lover observe you orgasm.
Sex with you is always exciting.
You start with teasing, playful seduction - that always drives your lovers wild with frustration.
You always deliver though!

You love being over powered, and you respond to a strong sexual appetite with equal fervor.
The confident lover who can give you breathtaking, powerful sex will have you eating out of his or her hand.

What's *Your* Sex Sign?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva