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In Loving Memory Of Willem, a Chestnut Hanovarian gelding known to many on the Chronicle of The Horse BB (1982-2003)Loved By Corinne, Known By All...Willem passed in July of 2003 to due complications of Cushings Disease & Severe Laminitis.

There are many common and not so common dieases and medical problems associated with equines. With this page, we hope to enlighten and educate horse lovers, and maybe assist in a cure for these conditions. As research is done, more will be added to this page. Feel free to email us should you have any suggestions, thoughts, ideas, or if there are any conditions you would like to see listed here.

Cushings Disease/Laminitis

Equine Cushing's Disease and Laminitis Equine Cushing's Disease (ECD) is a relatively common disorder of older horses and ponies. The clinical signs include hirsutism (excessively long hair), hyperhydrosis (increased sweating), increased water intake and urination, muscle wasting, susceptibility to bacterial and parasitic infections, lethargy, bulging eyes and laminitis. Laminitis is generally the most serious clinical sign and unfortunately may be so severe that euthanasia is required


ECD is caused by functional hyperplasia of the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland. This enlargement apparently occurs because of an age related decline in the neurotransmitter dopamine, which has an inhibitory affect on the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland. The specific reason(s) for the high incidence of laminitis in horses with ECD is unknovvn but may be partially related to lack of circadian fluxuations of corticosteroid secretion and its potential adverse affects on vascular integrity in the hoof, structural stability of the hoof lamellar connective tissue, and/or inhibitory action on the hepatic reticuloendothelial system permitting systemic cytokine activation.


The diagnosis of ECD is made by consideration of the clinical signs, age of the horse, and laboratory testing. There are numerous laboratory tests including measurement of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), the dexamethasone suppression test, and diurnal variation in plasma cortisol which have a relatively high positive and negative predictive value

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