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Name of Corporation

The name of the corporation shall be THE LONG ISLAND HORSEMEN'S SOCIETY, INC. The principal office of the club shall be located in the County of Suffolk, State of New York.

ARTICLE II Purpose and Objective

The purpose and objective for which this club has been organized are as follows:

To promote the health and welfare of horses;

To present information to horse owners;

To encourage group activities;

To promote the opening, maintenance and restoration of bridle paths;

To support legislation for the protection of the rights of horse owners, riders and horses;

To promote good public relations in the community, directed toward understanding of mutual problems and their equitable solutions;

To educate its members and the community at large in the maintenance, care, housing and treatment of horses;

To educate its members in the art of horsemanship and all other allied activities;

To provide social and athletic recreation for its members; and

To generally foster and promote good horsemanship, showmanship, sportsmanship and ownership.

No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of any member, trustee, director, officer of the corporation, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the corporation) and no member, trustee, officer of me corporation or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets on dissolution of the corporation.

In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the corporation shall, after necessary expenses thereof, be distributed to such organizations as shall qualify under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or to another organization to be used in such a manner as in the judgment of a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York will best accomplish the general purposes for which this corporation was formed.



Section 1. Every person who subscribes to and supports the objectives of the Long Island Horsemen's Society, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as "LIHS") may become a member upon approval of the Membership Committee pursuant to the sections of this article.

Section 2. Any and all applications for membership received between or at club meetings are to be given to the Chairman of me Membership Committee for introduction at the next club meeting and shall be subject to a 30-day waiting period. Applications will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and its recommendations brought to the next Board of Directors meeting for final consideration. Any objections or questions pertaining to a particular applicant should be brought to the Chairman's attention before the Board of Directors meeting. If the applicant is approved, he or she will officially become a member at the following general meeting. If the applicant is not approved, he or she will be notified by mail before the next club meeting and all membership fees and dues will be refunded. Upon approval of an applicant, any points accumulated at club-approved shows during me thirty-day (30) waiting period will be accepted.

Section 3. The Membership Committee reserves the right to deny an application for membership and to terminate the membership of any individual whom it deems no longer supports the purposes and objectives of the LIHS.

Section 4. There shall be a Membership Fee of five dollars ($5.00) for any individual membership and five dollars ($5.00) per adult for family memberships.

Section 6. The Membership Committee Chairman shall maintain an up-to-date membership roll of the LIHS containing the names alphabetically, showing their place of residence and the time when they became members.

Section 7. Definition of "good standing" refers to any member who adheres to all of the Articles of these by-laws and any other rules and regulations established by the LIHS and is paid up to date on all due


Section 8. Resignation: Any member may resign from the LIHS upon due notification to the Membership Committee in the form of a written resignation.


Membership Meetings

Section 1. Regular monthly meetings of the LIHS shall be held on the second Monday of each month at a location so designated by the LIHS Board of Directors.

Section 2. Each meeting will begin at 8:00 p.m. and continue until the disposition of all club business.

Section 3. The presence at any membership meeting of not less than one-fourth (1/4) of voting members shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct the business of LIHS. However, a lesser number may adjourn the meeting for a period of not more than four (4) weeks from the date scheduled by the By-Laws and the corresponding secretary shall so notify those members who were not present of the rescheduled date. Should a quorum still not be present at the rescheduled meeting, business may be conducted in the usual manner.

Section 4. A membership roll showing the names of the LIHS members, as of the record date, shall be made available to any LIHS member in good standing upon at least ten (10) days request in writing prior to the next regular monthly meeting.

Section 5. Any member 17 years of age and older whose name appears on the LIHS membership rolls and who is fully paid to date on dues shall be eligible to vote on all matters pertaining to club business.

Section 6. Club expenditures: No club money may be spent without prior approval by the club members at a regular club meeting, with the exception of normal operating expenses.

Section 7. All members riding for year-end awards should attend at least one (1) general membership meeting prior to the start of the show season and then an additional two (2) before the end of the show season.

Section 8. All members attending the general membership meeting must sign the attendance book.

ARTICLE V Membership Dues

Section 1. Effective January, 1994, dues shall be payable annually in January of each calendar year and shall be in effect until December 31 of that calendar year. Dues are payable at the following rates: Individual membership (including children under 17 years of age and over the age of 17 who do not reside with their parents [See Section 4 of this Article]) $22.00 Family membership (husband and/or wife and children under the age of 17) $33.00 Children 17 years of age and older residing residing in member parent's household $11.00

Section 2. Members' children under the age of 17 shall automatically be LIHS members if the parents so desire. Such child members) shall be exempt from paying dues and shall not be eligible to vote on club business. Section 3. Any member's child reaching the age of 17 shall begin paying dues the month following his/her birthday at me rate of $2.00 per month to the end of the current year, excluding the month of December. Section 4. If a person under 17 years of age wishes to become a member, and whose parent is not a member of the club, he/she must pay the membership fee and annual dues. He/she must also have his/her parent's or legal guardian's written permission to join the club. Section 5. Members who fall thirty (30) days behind in dues will be notified by the Membership Committee and given an additional thirty (30) days' grace period within which to pay all back dues before being dropped from the rolls and forbidden all rights and privileges of an LIHS member. A member may be reinstated after the 30-day grace period provided the membership fee is paid as prescribed in Article III Section 4 of these By-Laws.

ARTICLE VI Order of Business

The order of business at all meetings of LIHS members shall be as follows: 1) Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting; 2) Treasurer's report; 3) Reports of committees; 4) Reports of officers; 5) Old and Unfinished Business; 6) New Business; 7) Adjournment.

ARTICLE VI Election and Terms of Office

Section 1. Nominations will be held at the October and November general meetings. Any person nominated must be present to accept or decline the nomination.

Section 2. Elections will be held at the November general meeting every two (2) years.

Section 3. Newly-elected officers will take office on January 1st following their election. Officers in office at the time of elections will hold same until December 31st.

Section 4. Two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of President and Recording Secretary.

ARTICLE VII Officers of the Club; Duties

Section 1. President. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the club; he/she shall preside at all meetings of the members; he/she shall have the general management of the affairs of the corporation and shall see that all orders and resolutions are carried into effect. The president shall be ex officio member of all committees.

Section 2. Vice President. During the absence or disability of the president, the vice president, or if there are more than one, the executive vice president, shall have all the powers and functions of the president. Each vice president shall perform such other duties as the By-Laws shall prescribe.

Section 3. Recording Secretary. Shall be responsible for keeping accurate minutes of all regular and special meetings and all board meetings. He/she shall have charge of such books and papers as the officers may direct.

Section 4. Corresponding Secretary. Shall attend to such correspondence as may be assigned and perform all the duties incidental to his/her office.

Section 5. Treasurer. Shall have the care and custody of all the funds and securities of the club, and shall deposit said funds in the name of THE LONG ISLAND HORSEMEN'S SOCIETY, INC., in such bank or trust company as the Directors may elect. He/she shall, when duly authorized, sign and execute all contracts in the name of the LIHS when countersigned by the president or vice president. The treasurer shall also sign all checks, drafts, notes and orders for the payment of money, which are countersigned by the president or vice president. The treasurer shall at all reasonable times make his/her books available for inspection.

Section 6. Points Secretaries. The points secretary shall keep records of points and times when applicable at all shows. It will be their duty to keep track of all club riders' points awarded at any and all shows approved by the club. The secretaries may also appoint as many assistants as necessary.

Section 7. Sergeants at Arms. Sergeants at Arms shall execute commands and orders given by the club officers, and shall preserve order at all meetings.

ARTICLE IX Appointments by the Board of Directors

Unless otherwise provided for in the By-Laws, the Board of Directors may appoint a president, one or more vice presidents, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, a treasurer, one or more sergeants at arms, one or more point secretaries and such other officers as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. Such officers shall hold office for the term for which he/she is elected or appointed, or until his/her successor has been elected by the general membership or appointed and qualified by me Board of Directors.

ARTICLE X Removal; Resignation

Section 1. Any officer elected or appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed by the Board with or without cause. An officer elected by the members of LIHS may be removed, with or without cause, only by the vote of the members, but his/her authority to act as an officer may be suspended by the Board for cause.

Section 2. Any officer duly elected by the general membership or appointed by the Board of Directors shall be required to give thirty (30) days' notice to the club before resigning.

ARTICLE XI Committees

Section 1. Committees, standing or special, and with the exception of the Nominating Committee, shall be appointed by the President, who shall be an ex officio member of said committees.

Section 2. Standing committees shall be as follows: Awards/Dinner Dance Committee By-Laws/Rules and Regulations Committee English Committee Membership Committee Nominating Committee Western Judged Committee Western Gymkhana Committee

Section 3. Committees shall consist of at least three (3) members whose term shall begin January first.

Section 4. Members appointed to committees shall remain members in good standing as defined in Article III Section 6 of these By-Laws throughout their term.

Section 5. Each committee shall appoint a Chairman and a Vice Chairman at its first meeting. It shall be me Chairman's obligation to forward a full list of members of his/her committee, including address and telephone numbers), to the President.

Section 6. Committee appointments shall be for a term of two (2) years.

ARTICLE XII Board of Directors

Section 1. All elected officers will be members of the Executive Board and will be required to attend all Board meetings.

Section 2. All chairpersons appointed to committees and any other appointed representatives appointed by the Board of Directors will be members of the Board of Directors and shall be required to attend Board meetings.

Section 3. Any Board member who fails to attend three (3) consecutive Board meetings without just cause will lose his/her office status, but will remain a member of the club.

Section 4. Board meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month at a location designated by the LIHS Executive Board members.

Section 5. Special Board meetings may be called by the President upon two days' notice to all Board members. Special meetings may also be called by any two (2) Board members by giving written notice to the remaining Board members. All special meetings shall designate a date, time and place of said special meeting and give the reason for the meeting.

Section 6. The Board of Directors reserves the right to make exceptions to any and all of the LIHS By-Laws.

ARTICLE XIII Conduct at Horse Shows and Exhibitions

Section 1. LIHS members officiating and/or participating at shows and exhibitions will shall abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages and refrain from any other conduct which may be construed as detrimental to the LIHS organization.

Section 2. All members shall be expected to conduct themselves in a ladylike or gentlemanly fashion at all times.

Section 3. Any member guilty of misconduct or not conforming with Article II shall be notified by the Chairman of the Membership Committee that he/she is no longer in good standing; and until he/she regains his/her good standing status, all points, awards and offices shall be barred.

ARTICLE XIV Horse Show Rules and Regulations

All horse shows (English, Western and Gymkhana) shall be held in accordance with the current rules and regulations governing the respective discipline as outlined the prizelist for each discipline for the current year. Any changes to the rules and regulations shall be presented by me respective committee chairperson(s) to me Board of Directors prior to the first horse show, who shall approve or disapprove said changes.


Section 1. Members shall ride representing the LIHS in order to collect points for end of year awards. Members may show Gymkhana, English and/or Western Judged. All riders are required to adhere to the LIHS By-Laws, LIHS Official Rule Book and/or the prevailing show rules. Points will be taken only from LIHS shows or any other show(s) approved by the LIHS Board of Directors.

Section 2. Eligibility for year-end awards.

I. To be eligible for year-end awards, a participant shall be a member in good standing with the LIHS pursuant to Article V of these By-Laws. Points for year-end awards shall accumulate from the date all membership fees and/or dues are paid to the end of the current show season.

II. All club members in all divisions must enter at least 50% of pointed shows, but more than 50% of club-sponsored shows (i.e.. Western & Gymkhana - 3 of the 4 show series). Exceptions may be made with prior approval of me Board of Directors;

III. If there are less than four (4) riders who have qualified for year-end awards in a division, there will only be a Grand and Reserve Champion given for greatest number of points overall (Western and Gymkhana). If there are four (4) or more qualifying riders in a division. Grand and Reserve Championships will be awarded in individual classes.

Section 3. Any Novice rider (Junior or Senior) who has averaged 3.25 points or more per class in the Novice Division in a previous show season shall be required to move to the Open division in the succeeding show season.

ARTICLE XVI Amendments

All additions, deletions or amendments to the LIHS By-Laws must be submitted in writing at a regular club meeting for discussion. If seconded, it would be presented to the By-Laws/Rules and Regulations Committee for consideration. The Committee would review and resubmit the amendments at the next regular club meeting for approval by the general membership. Approval must be made by a minimum of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting membership.
