The End of Our Beginning.....

What is on my mind now that it is over....

When I first started college, The Eagles "Sad Cafe" was a song that got me through some rough times. Lately I have been trying to find a new one, because there are rough times ahead of me....of all of us. This page is dedicated to all those people that I would like to just hold on to a little while longer. What it all comes down to is that it is just so hard to say good-bye. I love you guys!

~ The Letters~
I have been writing these for a while, writing and rewriting because I am afraid that when I finish them, it will be time to say good-bye...and if I can hold off long enough then we will have more time.
What can I say, it has been one crazy four years. Looking back I wouldn't trade them for anything. My only wish is that I hadn't taken our friendship for granted the way I did. You have been one of the true constants in my life while we were here. I really do love you like a brother. It has been a true honor to call you my friend. We have been through so much. You were there to sing spirituals, you were there to see me dodge the flying bowl. You were there when Jeff passed away, you were there to hug me while I cried at his 2001 Memorial, you were there for the Senior Year dance. You have been my "Spirit Man" all these years. I only wish I had told you sooner. Thank you for helping me make it through. "Gone- love is never gone. As we travel on, Love's what we'll remember."
God I can't believe I am writing this. You, you pain in my ass, have been one of the best friends to me. I know I know, if looks could kill. But seriously, this past year has been one that I will never forget. Diana is a lucky girl, I will admit...briefly I was jealous, I got over it the second after I thought about it. I know I haven't been the easiest to get along with, but I guess I just thought it would be easier. I'm not good at good-byes, and well I knew, actually know that distance makes keeping friends harder. And when they are good friends, close friends distance makes it impossible. Cupcake nights were something I always looked forward to, and you were great in the shows. Thank you for being there for Teddi this year. Seeing you in the stands before we sang made it a lot easier. Thank you for being that jerk four years ago, I learned more from you than I will ever admit. That is why I say it wouldn't have been the same without you. When you get your Tony award know that there is someone here in Rochester cheering you on while you receive the award.
Make 'em laugh! Your smile and sense of humor have gotten me through some tough days. And while I know you will be local, I will miss seeing you everyday. I am very proud of your accomplishments. You deserved your spirit award at Teddi, and were great as Cosmo! Thank you for all the memories you have given me, I only wish we had met freshman year.
28% of people who were friends in college.... Thank you for always being able to bring a smile to my face. I was more than honored to share the stage with you at Teddi. You were an awesome Emcc, Razzle. I wish you nothing but the best in the future. And the picture of you shirtless is going to be framed for all the girls of the group, that is something I can not keep just for myself. ;)
My sister, my soul's twin. God girl...I almost don't want to write this down. (I'm crying right now I want you to know that) Why can't you leave with us? It feels like you should be. Four years of dancing for love...and dealing with Rob. Thank you for holding my hand through some extremely hard times. Thank you for giving me a shoulder to cry on, an ear that listened and a friend who never let me down. You better believe that we are keeping in touch! Besides, I might not know who the man of my dreams is, but you are most definitely one of my Bride's Maids!
Mary Jo, Julie, Mandy, Kristen-
You have told me that I have been an inspiration to you, but what you never realized was that your friendship has been an inspiration to me. My time here at Fisher has given me a handful of friends and I count you all amongst them. You have shown me what best friends are, and how great it is to have them. I know already that you will make Teddi 2003 the greatest one yet ( Kristen your being there will make it awesome). Remember, when times get tough, and you feel like you can't go on, look to your friends. Even if it just to see their smiles, they will never let you down. I know, because you never let me down. Thank you for being there for me this year...words can never explain what you guys have meant to me!
Good job, high five! Thanks for all the good times and laughs. The trips have been great with you there. And I'll be back for more next year. Take care you. Much love!

Other Places to go.....

My other page!
