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Lay-d Conceit

This is My Page, My World....

This is Layd Conceit.The Founder of the Layd's Crew. Lay-d Cypha and I came up with the idea one night at a talent show, dragged Lay-D Jade into it and the rest fell like bricks. My name at first was Lay-D Dracula but recently I decided to change it to Lay-D Conceit for obvious reasons. The rest of the my sisters feel that I love myself just a tad too much.But who will love you if you can't love yourself?

I look at myself as multi-talented seeing that I love to write, sing, etc.. Besides, I think what I do I do very well. I may not have tons of talents but the ones that I do have I concentrate on them to make sure that they are to my liking. If you don't like my indiviuality then you click on the back arrow and leave. I'm not here to impress anyone so you either love me or you don't.

Teenage Black Female
You tell me it's easy to be a teenage black female in this world,
Well then Mr. Man why don't you give it a whirl?
Wait, before I throw out my complaints let us introduce,
I'm the one known as Conceit and you? You're just you.
You say it's easy to have an ass,
but is seems the more ass you get the less you have class.
You've never been grabbed at or pulled at or had to run from a man.
So don't tell me it's easy unless you've "accomplished" things I have.
Let's not start with trying to get a job because,
being a teenage black female you don't get too far.
I walk in and ask for an application but for us
to have communication you want to use lubrication
"Aw hellz no! Not me I'd rather be broke!"but,
how many black females you know sliding down a greasy pole?
So don't tell me it's easy or that it's not rough,
and yet you wonder why we so "ghetto" and tough
It's because of the lives that we live
and all we do is give and give and give
so instead of criticizing us on what we do
why don't you walk a mile in our shoes?
You tell me it's easy to be a teenage black female in this world,
Well then Mr. Man why don't you give it a whirl?

Good Enough (Finally Over)
I fell in love
and you stabbed me in the back
and now for you
those feelings I lack.
Not even a lover,
Not even a friend.
I wish we, had never even met.
I used to say I don't regret a thing
but what we had was a useless fling.
Or was it?
I learned something-
never give your whole self
cuz once that's through,
you can't give anything else.
I though I had felt all emotion and that,
I, was just going through the motions
but with you I felt...hollow.
See, everything I gave you was never enough
you broke down my barrier- I wasn't tough
but now I feel angry.
Not with you but myself.
This never happened with anyone else.
With all my defenses I should have seen through your lies.
All your actions would have been pitiful tries.
You're just like everyone else in the past
I'm so glad my temporary blindness ain't last.
I've always tried to end my poems in a flowing thought.
(Yeah, for me that's good enough.)

Not A Poet
I'm not a poet...
as these rhymes come from
my mind and flow through
my fingertips.
I can just express myself...
in so many words that curve
as you learn
what I'm feeling.
My emotions...
the pain and agony of love
the whole aspect on not wanting to trust
The hatred...
'cuz though I don't want you for myself
How dare you love anyone else?
My sexuality is my reality
in this cruel, dark
Lust, a deadly sin
that comes from deep within
But I'm not a poet
just a lyricist who just
knows how to spit the shit she writes.
my rhymes are full and have
meanings way beyond the literal.
I don't write to reach a deadline,
I write in my own damn time,
when the words just come out and flow:

How does the Layd Crew influence my life?
I feel that the layd's crew made me realize that I'm not alone in a lot of things that I face. That my individuality can also unify and keep a group together. That just because I wasn't born with tons of sisters doesn't mean that I don't have them.

Take the What Sex Position Are You? test by Ley Ley

I'm a PINK bitch.

Click here to take the Bitch Test

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