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June 20, 2004 well its been a really long time since my last post and alot has happened. Last Call has offically disbanded. Nathan has decided that he no longer wants to be in a band or the music industry. He has decided to trade it all in to become a law enforcement officer. i wish him the best of luck and hope that he will remain safe will fighting crime. i would like to thank every one who has ever helped out Last Call, either by coming to our shows, buying our stuff, or just listening to us it really ment alot to me. i had some really good times in Last Call with Nathan and i will never forget any of it. We simply have grown apart in many ways. i hope to keep in touch with him and still remain friends. I am now playing bass with a great band called All Ages i just went on a great 3 week tour with them and had a blast, so if you like last call you will love ALL AGES. go to the web site its .Chad is also in a new band called HEAD VICE. i dont think that i will be updating any more on this site since there is really nothing more to write about. Nathan called me and told he that he was leaving back in march and i just never got around to posting it. if you want to buy any last call merch you will have to get in touch with Nathan, for i dont have anything at all. Again i wish nathan the best of luck in life and i hope he finds happiness, no matter how much he changes he will always be a brother to me. some people are just not cut out for this type of lifestyle. I would personally like to thank HOWIE from power pill records for everything you did for us, it really ment the world to me and im glad to be your friend. i also want to thank Pantent Pending from Long Island you guys rock. I hope to see all of you soon. well its been fun, be sure to check out All Ages at, and also check us out in the new issue of AMP magazine this month. well good bye for now. my email still works so you can drop me a line any time, its Im trying to make one final Last Call releasw which will have all of our songs on it some early demo stuff, and live stuff throught out the years. it will have something on it from every incarnation of Last Call. the working title is "5 years, 6 drummers, and 102 songs that sound the same. i dont know how much material it will have on it. i hope to include the last stuff we were working on. but im not sure if it would ever happen. Any way thank you every one. xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo jeff.

*Sept. 28 2003 well finally some new stuff we have two shows schedualed for the Brass Mugg. 1 on Oct. 10th and the 2nd on Nov. 2nd go to the shows portion of the web site for more details on who we will be playing with and how much. These shows were gotten by our super great, super sexy drummer Chad. He worked some magic and now we will play our first shows with him, i told Nathan that he was good for something but Nathan as always didnt believe me oh well. Thats all for now Jeff.

Sept. 21 2003 well not much in the world of last call other than practice and preparing the songs for the new album i know we've been saying that for a while but we really are. There have been some set backs losing drummers, unemployment, nathans uncontrolable addiction to fishing, but we have really been working on the new album. Power Pill is about to put out another comp and we promiss to have atleast 2 new songs on it if they will let us. Well thats it for now bye bye love j.

* August 29 2003 well theres no news that isnt already posted, but i decided to write something today. Well i found out that NoFx are now vegaterians. I have no personal problem with vegatarians, but it seems anymore that for a band to be cool, or have any merit anymore you have to be vegaterian. The reason I bring up NoFx is because that they use to hate vegatarians. for us punks that are older then the age of 15, we remember the NoFx album "liberal Animation" which was NoFx making fun of vegatarians. why all of a sudden is there a change, on nofx's part did they all of a sudden realize eating meat is wrong or is it because vegatarianism is now the "in" thing with punk. well thats enough of my bitching for now. J.

* August 13 2003 we have a sale going on at the merch page right now. what is the sale you might ask? well just got to the merch page to find out. XOXOXOXOXO J.6

* August 11 2003 you can now see pics of us in kings park in New York from our last tour. Just click on the pics page and enjoy. They are not very excitting because we are not jumping in them but now all of you girls can see how cute and sensitive I am, which is the important thing. We also have pics of our merch up now on the merch page so head on over that way and buy stuff, enjoy. XOXOXOXOXOX J.6

* August 9 2003 Big news, it was found out that Nathan hit Chads truck with the van last week after practice. Luckly Chad works at a body shop (a car repair one not the clothing store) and was able to repair the damages. Nathan in a feeble attempt to take the heat off of himself and build a riff between Jeff and Chad stated that "Jeff called Chad ugly" this in no way is true and is just Nathan trying to cover his ass for the "Truck sashing". What does all this prove? Well that Nathan isnt ready for NASCAR yet and he is still playing "MINOR LEAGUE BALL" if you know what i mean and i think you do (scott).XOXOXOXOX J.6






