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A glimpse into the lives of female youth of Asian descent. A collection of voices often unheard. An outlet for the expression of experiences, memories and dreams of girls whose heritage and culture often clash with that of the mainstream. This collection aims to reach those who have shared a similar experience of searching for their own identity and is designed to strengthen and empower the female Asian community. Moreover, it hopes to break the stereotypes and false images towards this community promoted by society.

This anthology is the Leadership Action Project of Alda Chan, Joyce Lau and Elizabeth Yoo, young women of the Sadie Nash Leadership Project, a program based in New York City promoting activism, leadership and empowerment of female youth.

We are looking for submissions of works by young women of Asian descent who are between the ages of 13-25. Short stories, poetry, prose, photography and artwork will be collected for submissions. Please include a brief biographical statement and reason for submitting your piece(s).

Writing Submissions – Please send five copies of each work. All submitted works must be unpublished
Artwork Submissions – Please submit two copies of each work. Color copies of the artwork are preferred.
Please be aware that originals cannot be returned and become property of Echoes Under the Glass Ceiling.

We encourage you to spread the word about this project. All submissions must arrive by or be postmarked January 1, 2005

Please send submissions to:
Echoes Under the Glass Ceiling Anthology
1493 East 15th Street 2/FL
Brooklyn, NY 11230

For information about Leadership Action Projects and Sadie Nash Leadership Project, please visit the SNLP website
Questions and comments should be directed to

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