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Lakota Rage- Oi!Core 'til we cave-in the floor!

We embody the type of fury in our music, that the last Lakota band had while combatting the white oppressor in the Black Hills. Using the examples famous warriors such as Crazy Horse, Black Elk, and many others, we try to emulate the intensity of the feeling of riding into battle in defense of your homeland, by playing hard. Merging the old Oi! sound of Europe in the 1980's, with hardcore, and combining that with a DIY ethic and artistry ,we're the greatest power against repression. See you in the pits friends...

Indymedia ||| CT Punx ||| S.H.A.R.P.
e-Mail Lakota Rage Stardate 10.06.2000


Above is one of the many pictures we now have in our gallery thanks to fans. The ones on the second page are more recent and better in quality. Did we mention the most recent ones re really good? We also recorded a "full-length",called Hardcore Street Dumpx, that will soon be available on CD at shows or by e-Mail. The quality has improved alot. Another split CD will also has been recorded with Hidden Eyes at an actal studio and sounds perfect. Please donate to a worthy cause,especially since that will buymore CD's to sell at shows. Remember, we're not on a label and we're D.I.Y.

As for shows, we're booked all of january. We will be playing smaller shows at Wildside in Rye early in the month with Knockout Kings. Also, on the 29th, a huge show will be taking place at Arch St. Teen Center with 9 punk bands fromall over the tri-state area. These bands include the following: Drawback Hidden eyes Knockout Kings Piss-Death The Oblivious Uncivil Class The Industry Fags in the Living Room Check out for details and specific information.