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Join the Star Program

STAR is Governor Pataki's School Tax Relief program

that provides a partial exemption from school property

taxes for owner-occupied, primary residences such as

homes, condominiums, cooperative apartments and Mobile/Manufactured Homes.

Senior citizens (age 65 and older) with yearly incomes

of $60.000 or less must register every year, because

they receive a higher reduction. This is called the Enhanced

STAR Exemption. For property owned by

husband and wife, only one of them must be at least 65

years of age to qualify. Their combined annual

income, however must not exceed $60,000.

Beginning with school year and 2000, STAR is extended to

all other New Yorkers. Homeowners under

age 65 or those over age 65, who do not meet the requirements

outlined above, will see their school taxes

cut by an average of approximately 27 percent,

when STAR is fully implemented in school year

2001-02. This is known as the Basic STAR Exemption.

To receive your STAR tax cut, you must file an

application with your local property assessor. The

application also can be found on the Internet home page

of the New York State Office of Real of Real Property Services ( ORPS ) at:

You must file your application with your assessor

before the deadline in your area.

Some Counties have different deadline dates. The

homeowner must provide proof of ownership ( deed or

bill of sale) and proof of residency, as

requested by the assessor.

For the Enhanced STAR exemption, the homeowner must

also provide proof of age and proof of income copies

of federal or state income tax forms).

The owner of the Mobile/Manufactured Housing community

is responsible ( by law ) for crediting the tax savings

against the rent payable on the home that has received

the exemption. If you want to know what that amount is

check with your assessor. One question

that has been asked is, can they make us pay our own

taxes? The answer to that is no, it must be a law.

The owner is allowed to take from the amount of

your reduction, 2 percent, for administration fees.

If the owner does not follow through on your

reduction he can be fined, by state law.

Please let us know if this happens to you.

Join now and get what you deserve