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The Sick Chronicles of KraKHeaD PunK: spreading the sickness one jerk at a time
Burn Society College Sucks Foul Scenes Infested Links Mr. Happy Nasty Aim Rave Concerts Sick Tracks Parental Advisory

Most Overused Euphemism: "Oh come on baby, it's not size that matters, it's how I use it in you."

College Student Can't Tell Which Can Has Less Mad Cow

Man Admires His New 'Pipe Cleaner'

Yo Wat Up >> Salutation

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Look at My Little Soldiers Go

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The Sick Chronicles of KrakHeaD Punk >> Updates


February 02, 2004, Monday
My life is pointless. This site is pointless. Yet, this Web site is my bitch, and I intend to keep it that way.

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The Sick Chronicles of KrakHeaD Punk >> Mission Statement


This whore started out being a web page like two years ago. Now it has deservingly grown up to be a Web site. Figures.

I have to admit, I nodd my head in shame and remorse rereading some of this shit I came up with in high school. Schizophrenic almost. Anyways, this was the other side of me people rarely saw. Shocked people when the I was the dude who had the grades, the one who who didn't say much. After reading this site, you would ask yourself: hmmm was this guy memorizing math formulas or thinking about the chest of the girl sitting next to him. I think we all have the capacity to think up fucked up things and perverted things, just that I collect my nasty thoughts and put them on this here piece of shit Web site. For the ladies out there, I don't hold you to any double standards. You can think about as much dick or pussy [whichever you prefer] as you want.


The Sick Chronicles of KrakHeaD Punk >> Disclaimer


I'm a really nice guy. Really. Not responsible for any young minds that were corrupted after viewing this site. Not recommended for most female viewers; viewer must be open-minded and find humor in sexual inuendos. If you don't think this is funny from any perspective, go suck my small furball cock. Site is not recommended for narrow-minded, God-fearing or pubescent persons, either. This site will not correct erectile dysfunction or relieve vaginal itching. Non-original material have been attributed to their rightful owners.


KrakHeaD Punk >> Contact Information


AIM: KrakHead Punk
E-mail: xxxxxx_guy@yahoo.com
Personal Rendezvous: At a nearby tree, with a steel chain and ladder.

© 2001-2003 The Sick Chronicles of KraKHeaD PunK
Web site Maintained by KraKHeaD PuNK, xxxxxx_guy@yahoo.com